Monday, May 11, 2009

Rules of the Game

In every trade or industry, I think everybody should abide to the rules of the game if you want to achieve something, be it work or relationship. I m quite disappointed with somebody that did not put in effort in whatever he is doing now. He had agreed to contribute in this project but end up he seem to be more busy with his friends and personal commitments.

I had explained to him the rules of the game when we started this project. I also told him I m actually preparing to give up this project as I m quite tired doing it nowadays. But he told me to carry on and he promise to work hard, but less than a week, I did not see much progress. I m getting tired of this whole game, or I should call it "Project E".

We need two hands to clap to create a noise, but you are not cooperative now. Sms you never reply, call you never pick up, msn you never online, email you dunno whether you receive it anot. Should we carry on with "Project E"? This is a big project and require your cooperation if you still want to continue with it. Otherwise, let me know when we should stop. Thank you!

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