Monday, January 27, 2014

Family Day!

It is good to spend more time with family during weekend! Here are some of the photo to share with all my friends and supporters! Yesterday I had a hand at frying omelette for my family. I think it turns out pretty well? Haha. Who want to eat?

Last Saturday, went out with my family for a simple dinner and we are red and prosperous! Haha. Happy to be able to accompany my parents during my off-day. I also hope that my friends and supporters can spend time with their family too!

I also took some times on both days to do some house visiting to the families under Project Awareness (A-計劃) and brought them some ration. Of course I never forget to get some of the big families Sakura Chicken, as I know that many of the children love to eat chicken, so I must let them eat more healthy with the right choice! 

Good to see many families welcome me with a great smile when I reach their house, especially a pair of old couple that I met recently during filming at Chinatown. If you want to know more about them, check out Project Awareness facebook page. Click HERE. It really brighten my day when I see so many smiling and happy faces around! I'm glad that my status as a singer can actually bring so many happiness to the people that I met, especially all the beneficiaries under Project Awareness.

Talking about filming, recently I did quite a number of videos for my YouTube Channel. This is for my supporters at Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia and many other countries as well. I really hope you guys like it. In one of my YouTube videos, if you want to know more about Singapore, you can check out 《銓少當家 Elson on the Road》 at my Official YouTube Channel. Click HERE. Most important, do subscribe to my Channel for more updated videos as at times I might forget to share to my Facebook page. :)

Chinese New Year is coming, have you get ready to welcome this Horse Year?

Friday, January 24, 2014

My YouTube videos

Chinese New Year is coming! Anybody plan what to do during this Chinese New Year period? Nothing much to write about recently, except for some media interview and video recording for YouTube channel.

Did you guys check out my new variety program  《銓少當家 之 逛逛牛車水》 at my YouTube channel? Do you like it? My second episode is coming soon! Maybe next Monday? Remember to subscribe to my YouTube Channel for latest video update!

Lastly, share with you my unplugged version that I uploaded two days ago. Quite sometime I didn't record, so hope everybody enjoy the two pop songs that I recorded! Thank you to my video editor for his creative editing and design! Eddy and Stephen, thank bro!

Oh! Forget to tell you that I also record a video for Asia Music Chart too! Check it out now!

Monday, January 20, 2014







蘇奕銓官方專屬頻道 Elson Soh Official Channel

Saturday, January 18, 2014







Stephanie Koh,一位最近在網路上載了一段視頻,敍説自己爲何身為新加坡人不覺得自豪“'I don't feel proud to be Singaporean”,轟動了新加坡各大媒体!其實看了她的視頻,可能她比較少在新加坡住,所以她對新加坡的了解還不夠多。針對她的其中一個問題“Singapore is no place for artist to be”,我覺得現在的娛樂圈已到達一個誰都沒法預料或操控的境界,不只是新加坡,其實早在幾年前,這一切都變了,所以現在當藝人真的很辛苦。



Movie Marathon starting soon!

The movie that I want to watch the most by next week, should be Devil's Due! It seem scary and nice, but I must find a time to go catch it before end of next Friday!Anybody watch this movie already? Can share with me? Lol.

There are still many interesting movie that I want to watch before Chinese New Year. You must be puzzled why I want to watch so many movie right? Because after Chinese New Year, I will be extremely busy with my singing career and my business, including Project Awareness.

Here are some of the movie that I want to share with everybody! Maybe you can consider watching it during the Chinese New Year period? Well, remember to share with me after you watch. My movie marathon starting soon! (",)

I frankenstein trailer

Robocop trailer

狮神决战 The Lion Men trailer

六福喜事 Hello Babies trailer 


Thursday, January 16, 2014

When an Orange is Not Just a Fruit

When we talk about Oranges nowadays, most of us will brush it off as a cheap fruit that is available readily anywhere and anytime. To most of us, we treat Oranges as a last alternative to many things, and to most of us, we just feel that Oranges are nothing but just a source of Vitamin C.

But to another group of people, these same Oranges mean a whole lot of difference to them. Way back in time, Oranges were considered as expensive luxury food items that only the rich can afford. Slowly as time goes by, it becomes a representation of good luck and wealth. During Chinese New Year, we often bring Oranges to our relatives' house and exchange Oranges with them to bring good luck and wealth for the coming year.

However as we are enjoying the festivities along, there are a group of people who are spending it alone. They are either without friends or without family. No one comes by on the first day of the new year to give them Oranges or to tell them auspicious words. These are the elderly. To them, to be able to receive Oranges during this time of the year is a representation of good luck, wealth and health.

I met a grandma recently and she told me she hasn't received any Oranges for years ever since her husband passed away. She told me that she do not have the good fortune (in mandarin she said 沒有這個福氣 ) to receive such a gift. When I heard her words, my heart wrenched a little.

This CNY, Project Awareness hope to give out "good luck" and "good wealth" to these elderly. We hope that receiving them will give the elderly hope and joy for the coming year. We want them to know that they are not alone and that we are all here for them.

We hope to distribute at least 200 cartons of Mandarin Oranges to our regular senior activities centres that we supported all these while, and also to the families under Project Awareness. If you can support us in this project, do check out the purchase form by NTUC FairPrice. Alternative you can also PM Project Awareness for other ways of purchasing the Mandarin Oranges.

Please let us know by PM message at Project Awareness Facebook before you order from NTUC FairPrice, so that we can advise you where to send the Mandarin Oranges to. If you are thinking of purchasing online, do let us know at Project Awareness Facebook as well, and we will advise you accordingly. Thank you.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Live without expectations, and you won't be disappointed

昨天和我的贊助商 Australian Natural Volcanic Spring Water 出席了《大紀元時報》的艱苦生活講座《雙林為您話養生》,很開心認識了來自臺灣著名的林貴醫師和新加坡著名的林英樂風水老師。聼了他們的演講與分享,讓我獲益不淺,也非常謝謝主辦單位《大紀元時報》邀請我上臺演唱我的新歌《彩虹也會哭》 Rainbows Do Cry。

唱完我的新歌后,得到了好多人的讚賞,也有臺灣電視媒體要和我安排採訪,特別要謝謝大家那麽喜歡我的新歌,而且昨天也有許多商傢和我拍照,讓我受寵萬分。Thank you everybody for supporting me. (",)

小小提示!記得馬上訂閲我的官方 YouTube 網頁,因爲我會陸續上載一些我的活動和生活片段跟大家分享。還有最近有留意我的個人臉書專頁,是不是被我的一些短文吸引了?如果是的話,一定要幫我按個讚,再分享出去,就是 Share 出去啦!


Live without expectations, and you won't be disappointed. You won't have to worry about things you can't control. You will just flow and accept things as they are.沒有期望,也就不會失望。不必為你無法控制的事情而擔心。坦然面對和接受事實。

Tuesday, January 7, 2014




Make up Mirror-Mirror & Beauty Shop 為您推薦馬年開運彩妝!著名化妝師 Alex 會以您的臉型和五官,在配合您的星座,選擇對的顔色為你在馬年開運!如果大家也想和我一樣開運的話,可以撥電到 (+65) 6224 6335 詢問!一次開運只需$128新元,也只限新加坡區,但如果你們要飛來新加坡也可以啊!哈哈。。

YouTube: 蘇奕銓官方專屬頻道 Elson Soh Official Channel

Sunday, January 5, 2014




最近代言了一系列的靈芝飲料,大家喝過了沒?我還幫商傢想出了一句 slogan,就是:“一天一杯幸福,Perk 出色彩!”。這句話好聽嗎?我也為他們拍攝了一系列廣告,在此跟大家分享!

我喜歡靈芝咖啡和靈芝奶茶,因爲很香也很好喝!商傢也為了我設了一個臉書專頁,大家去看看,也記得點擊一下“讚”,加入 Perk Beverages 的臉書! 

如果你們想要買的話,可以上網到 JustClick.SG 購物網站購買。點擊這裡。現在有新年促銷,你們可以買給爸爸媽媽,爺爺婆婆,或者送給朋友們!當然也可以買來送給我!哈哈!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Chinese New Year is around the corner

Project Awareness (A-計劃) is turning one year old in February 2014. Should we celebrate with the children and elderly from low-income families? Or should we just let it pass as per normal? Many things are different after a major incident happen in August last year, but at least the storm is over now and things are getting back on track slowly. Anyway, who yet to check out this video?

Recently I constantly remind myself that this is my project, something that I always wanted to do and I should not just close it down like that. I know that many of the beneficiaries are happy when I visited them and I also enjoy chatting with them too. No doubt I cant afford to buy them so much ration or bring them for outing just like before, they don't really mind and they even tell me that if I can visit them more often, this will be the best gift to them. (",)

Chinese New Year is around the corner, I'm planning to visit them with mandarin oranges during the Chinese New Year and celebrate with them. If anybody want to join me, go check out Project Awareness Facebook Page and PM me over there when you see the posting on Chinese New Year house visiting!

Remember to share and walk with me at Project Awareness. 一份愛和關懷,是許多寂寞孤獨老人渴望的。我今天還會唱歌,是為了他們,不是因爲我想當歌手。我知道在 A-計劃 受益的家庭,都很開心在電視看到我表演,在電臺聽到我的歌,在報紙雜誌讀到我的新聞,我今天在娛樂圈的存在,是因爲有了他們才在,所以我要做他們永遠的彩虹!

Project Awareness YouTube Channel