Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Final words of 2013

Some time back, I was invited to attend the Grand Opening of Popeyes outlet in Bugis. When I heard of the invitation, I accepted immediately. I have always been an ardent fan of the fast food chain. The party started with a flash mob, which I participated and had fun. Then it was interview with The Muttons (also my favourite english DJs) before photo taking and getting to know more people. 

Once again a BIG THANK YOU to Chief Operating Officer Dickson, Marine from Absolute PR and the team at Popeyes for having me! Check out the photos and video below!

Then it was my Hong Kong and Taiwan trip, which I visited a few medias and fans before flying back to Singapore. When I touch down, I had an interview with Yahoo! , which was a great experience. Check out the interview HERE. Thank you Yahoo! once again.

Right now I'm nearing the end of my promo tour in Indonesia. Brought along a few of my Australian Natural Volcanic Spring Water as I have the habit of drinking this before going on stage. If you guys havent heard of this water, check out the video below!

On the last day of 2013, I wanna say a word of thanks to the people in my company for helping me. My boss, as well as the team behind (Stephen, Michelle, Eddy, Shimin, Irene) supporting me. Thank you all for your hard work! Also not forgetting my fans from Taiwan, Malaysia and Singapore. 


Thank you to all my sponsors and friends for helping me through 2013. Love you all. Before I end my post, here's sharing my new song once again. Thank you all for your support! Till then. <3 p="">

Sunday, December 29, 2013

回顧 N 年前

2014 年快到來了,你們有什麽願望嗎?今天在印尼演出的我,突然有很多感想,也趁的休息時間回顧一下我在這幾年讀書的時候,到底做了些什麽。

記得幾年前,我錄製了一些房間版視頻上載到 YouTube,也就這樣認識到了一群新加坡歌迷,一直陪我走到現在。這麽多年的風風雨雨,歌迷朋友們依然風雨無阻支持我,不管我是不是一名紅藝人,她們都一直支持我,默默為我加油。我還在耕耘,但相信你們都和我一樣,都期待我去臺灣分享我的個人創作,我不會讓你們失望的。謝謝你們對我的期待!


看了聼了我最喜歡的視頻,你們記得要訂閲我的官方 YouTube,只要點擊這裡就可以訂閲和觀看到我更多新上載的視頻。寫到這裡,就想到我進入娛樂圈的第一首單曲《祝你幸福》。現在就再度跟大家分享,特別是我在馬來西亞和臺灣的歌迷們,相信很多還沒聼過吧。很可惜這首歌沒有音樂視頻,但有一位香港朋友製作了一個動畫視頻,看了還蠻感動的。

好了!最近天氣很冷,大家要照顧一下自己。我要去準備等一下的演出了!今天我會唱我自己創作的馬來歌曲《Cinta Padamu》和《Cinta Tak Kesampaian》。祝我好運吧!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Big "Thank You" to my fans and supporters!

This Christmas is the most happy festive season that I ever had during the past few years as a singer. First time I have so many fans and supporters sending me Christmas wishes and presents, from Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan and Indonesia. Thank you guys, all of you brighten my days and I m more confident and ready for 2014 with more good music and activities.

I will be heading to Indonesia for performance and holiday tomorrow and will be back next week. Hope everybody will continue to share my music and remember to visit my blog and other social platforms as well! Most important, must remember to be one of my subscribers at YouTube, because I will be uploading some of my new and old videos onto this official channel of mine! Subscribe here now.

Do you like this photo? Very funny right? I personally don't like, but many of my friends say they like this look, maybe it is not the usual Elson? Haha. Nevertheless it is still me and always me exploring for new "look and feel". Stay tuned for more new "Elson Soh" in 2014!

Recently while in Singapore, I did a few house visiting with one of the volunteers from Project Awareness. It’s been awhile since I seen Ah Ma and Ah Gong. Happy to see them and brought them some food. They told me they miss me a lot and I told them it’s the same for me. I sat down and had a long chat with them.

I’m glad that they are still doing fine and healthy. Really heartwarming to see the elderly couple so close and in love. Ah Gong’s 82 birthday is round the corner, sure doesn’t seem to reflect on his outlook. Hehe. I will try to visit as many families as possible and keep everybody posted on their current status at Project Awareness official facebook. Remember to share your love and walk with me at Project Awareness!

Project Awareness in Chinese is known as A-計劃, just for my fans and supporters in Malaysia, Taiwan and Indonesia, as I hope to spread the love to your country as well! Maybe in 2014, you will see me bringing happiness and joy to the beneficiaries in your country! 愛無極限,愛無國界!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013



Yahoo 專訪視頻(1): 點擊這裡
Yahoo 專訪視頻(2): 點擊這裡
Yahoo 專訪文稿: 點擊這裡

Hello FM 專訪文稿: 點擊這裡
YES 娛樂 專訪文稿: 點擊這裡

新浪新聞 專訪文稿: 點擊這裡
搜狐資訊 專訪文稿: 點擊這裡

派星傳媒 專訪文稿: 點擊這裡
中央網路報 專訪文稿: 點擊這裡

The Straits Times 專訪文稿: 點擊這裡


最近我寫了一首新曲,可能會是我的第二首新歌,但要等好友 Bryan 幫我填詞!Bryan,讀到我的部落格時,記得要馬上開工啦!:) 希望這首歌可以在明年二月份跟大家見面!我又興奮了,什麽辦呢?

好了,要提醒大家記得買我最近代言的靈芝系列(Perk Beverages)飲料。目前雖然只有在新加坡的 Watson 分店售賣,但我會帶一些過去臺灣和馬來西亞給那裏的媒體和歌迷們嘗嘗!謝謝一些媒體還特別把我的代言照片刊登出來,相信我的商傢會非常開心的!

想要知道更多靈芝系列飲料,點擊到他們的臉書專頁吧!Perk Beverages Facebook

Monday, December 23, 2013




社交網絡平臺其實給我們帶來好多方便,特別是可以很容易就可以和海外的朋友們交談。同時身為歌手的我,也可以借此平臺宣傳我的新歌和活動。前些日子,我都比較喜歡用英文寫部落格,可是現在我要用中文了!因爲我知道我多了許多臺灣和馬來西亞朋友和歌迷。而新加坡是個多種語言國家,所以用中文也 OK 的,我知道新加坡的歌迷都讀得懂中文的!哈哈。。


Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/elsonsohyq
Instagram - http://instagram.com/elsonsoh88

Twitter - http://twitter.com/elsonsoh
Weibo - http://weibo.com/elsonsoh

YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/elsonsoh1988
Blog - http://elsonsoh.blogspot.sg/


【彩虹也會哭】 全球首播: http://youtu.be/ezLPpb5USnE

Saturday, December 21, 2013



這星期接受了幾家媒體的專訪,也在準備下星期的媒體專訪。我要在此謝謝 YES 93.3 電臺為我播歌,還一直幫我介紹,感激各位 DJ 了!我也要謝謝我的臺灣歌迷後援會,還有新加坡和馬來西亞的歌迷後援會,在這 10 天一直為我在各自的臉書和其它管道宣傳。記得要繼續幫我打歌《彩虹也會哭》。

YouTube 連綫: http://youtu.be/ezLPpb5USnE

我也錄製了一個視頻,清唱了一小段我的新歌,希望大家會喜歡!謝謝 Stephen 為我製作了這好漂亮的視頻。大家一定要分享出去喔!

最後分享一下我在香港之旅!香港其實很冷,但好多美食吃不完!我和姐姐,蘇爸爸媽媽,還有 May 姨,都玩得很開心。希望明年還可以再和家人去香港旅遊!我很享受和家人在一起的時間,家庭的溫柔是無价的。


Sunday, December 15, 2013




我不是一個很紅的歌手,但我一直學習當一名好歌手。我不是一個很厲害策劃活動的人,但我為了 A-計劃 (Project Awareness) 的弱勢家庭一直再努力。我也不是一個生意人,但我學習如何把生意做好。今年已25 嵗的我,還在學習,還在努力。

前些日子,運氣不好,但已過了,所以不想再提了。現在的我只想把本分做好,把歌唱好,把 A-計劃 搞好,把生意經營好,讓家人朋友們都以我為傲!我在努力,可能有點點慢,但我還在努力中,希望大家對我耐心點。

我前幾天發行了一首全新單曲 《彩虹也會哭》,你們聼了嗎?我也會開始進行和參與宣傳活動,希望臺灣,馬來西亞和新加坡的朋友們都會支持我的新歌!

最後我會盡量一星期更新我的部落格,因爲大家認識我,也是從我的部落格開始的。如果大家可以的話,請幫忙我把這 YouTube 連綫 (http://youtu.be/ezLPpb5USnE) 放在您的臉書或其它網頁上,一起宣傳我的新歌!