First stop is at Keat Hong, they dun have the design that I want and the choices really limited. Next stop is The Furniture Warehouse at Labrador Park. There is abit more classy but not much wardrobe to choose also. So we went ikea next. But ikea very expensive and not worth the price. So in the end never buy anything for myself. Faint! Lol!
We had lunch at Xin Wang. Finally used my card for the first time! Aunty May also follow us throughout the day! (",) She is very supportive towards my music too!
This is our dinner at Alexandra Market. Look at the spread. Alot right? And it is very delicious! Next time we all should go there for dinner. Lol!
Anyway, just now I m quite frustrated with a few issue, and I m considering whether I should appear offline in MSN from today onward. Some people simply not understanding at all! I already told them that I m busy doing my work online, and he/she just keep messaging me in msn.
The other issue is regarding some people in EME FC, I dun like the way they treat EME FC, because they just come and go anytime they like. Well, this is not a normal fanclub but a place for sincere people who love music and want to be with Elson and share his happiness together. Sorry to say this is not a place for those possessive people that only looking for special thing, and I m not the special thing that you are looking either. Please dun contact me if you have a motive. Thank you.
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