Tuesday, June 2, 2009

爱得深, 伤得也深?

今早阅读黑夜的部落格, 发现原来它一直被不爱它的人蒙骗了好几年. 这几年来, 它和所谓情人的感情都处于在分手的危险地带. 今天它崩溃了, 似乎很多不幸的事情要发生了. 从它的部落格, 知道它的另一半曾经在感情中出轨, 可是为了爱一个不知道爱不爱它的情人, 它那时忍了下来. 但今天好像很多不幸的事情就要发生了. 希望这几件事不会变成不幸的事, 因为我知道很多事都见不得人.

奇怪..... 为何一个人在崩溃的时候往往都会把曾经它爱的人给毁灭呢? 难道这就是爱得深, 伤得也深吗? 如果你阅读到我的部落格, 请你一定要珍惜那位你所爱的人, 因为它的杀伤力是强大的. 一个人在失去感情时, 通常是很不理智的. 你试过被人那样污辱过吗? 如果你真正爱这个人的话, 你不会在简讯那样羞辱你所爱的人. 你已没有期限了, 珍惜爱情吧!

Anyway that is a entry for somebody that is heartless after a 3 years plus relationship. I think if this person do not handle carefully, it might become a big media news in the end, and end up many people around this person will be affected. Not only reputation, but the worst is every involved person's family will be affected by the silly action. Be responsible and be truthful as you have been giving lot of opportunity after so much mistake in your love!

Why cant people just live simple and love simple? Simple love can last longer than those complicated love. Just that this person cant be trusted anymore. You should know who you are after reading my blog. A unfaithful lover usually wont have a good ending. Hope you can settle this problem asap and hope that every of my friends can treasure your loved one. (",)

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