Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Alarm on PIG FLU

The global spread of the virus is happening because we've become such a mobile species - it's reckoned that there are something like 500,000 people airborne around planet Earth at any one time. This means the potential for the virus to spread widely and quickly is very high.

The virus isn't as fearsome as some viruses - like rabies, which kills every human who develop signs of illness. Swine flu has a high morbidity (i.e. if infects a high proportion of the people in an area) but a low mortality (less than 5%). It may only kill one in twenty people who are infected, but as you look around your colleagues and friends, you'll realise that it's a significant mortality rate when the victims are part of your own circle.

For more information of Pig Flu, click to http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/peter_wedderburn/blog/2009/04/27/swine_flu__why_is_a_mild_pig_disease_dangerous_to_humans

I hope all of you can know more about this new PIG FLU (猪流感) virus, at least we can learn how to protect ourself from being infected. Do take more vitamin and more protein to improve our immune system!

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