Saturday, August 22, 2009

Big hoo-ha


Second day for our fair today. Things are starting to get better I would say. Anyway quite happy today to see some old friends, namely Alicia Koo and Javin They. They are still as good on stage. I performed today too. Lol! Thanks Evon, Carol and Yu Jing for coming down to support me today.


After performance, Boss and I went for a 20min massage. Godma went also. Very shiok and the person gave me extra minutes to relax my head and arms. Boss jealoused. Lol!

Met some more new friends today. Friends from Hock Hua Tonics, Jessica from Make Up Artist Shop, the friendly girl from the cuttlefish stall and not forgetting Betty and her colleague from Zi-Diamond. It's great knowing you all. (",) More photo will be posted up soon! Lol!


Today Dewei, Mandy, Jasmine and Jason went to have their name told by Numerologist ( also named Jason. It's really really spot on. Lol! And speaking of Jason, for the past few days, he have been offering me advices and words of wisdom. Boss scold me say I paid only $20 then ask from Suntec to Bukit Timah. Lol! Just wanna say thank you Jason for all your words of advices! Greatly appreciate it.

At night I went for Kaijie's birthday party. Everyone's getting older. I m next. Lol!

I guess words have been in my heart for pretty long. I always wanted to say it, because I felt it. I know someway somehow, things have changed after the big hoo-ha between Youthbox, EME and RIG. I know things can never go back to how they used to be. But certain things inside me wouldnt change. I value and emphasise alot on everyone in my life being like a family. It has always been like that and will always be like that.

All my god sisters and brothers and members of EME and all my friends and supporters whether in the past, now or future, I really do treasure each and everyone of you. I do care and I do try my best to 疼 you all in one way or another. Use your heart to feel instead of using your heart to hear. Some things may not be like what you think it is. No matter what happens, I will never do anything to want to harm or hurt or insult anyone of you. Because I m not like that. That's all I wanna say.


Jeane, you had performed well today! Boss is very proud to have you as his event emcee. Do work hard and hope to see you more often in our future event. (",) Good night everyone!

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