As usual, I teach tuition and it end at 5.30pm, then meet Boss as we are meeting God Sis for dinner at Keppel Club. While on the cab with Boss to meet God Sis, I let him listen to the demo "I m loving it!", and he is super happy and also advise me to improve it as well. When we met God Sis, I also let her listen and she like it too. (",)
God Sis went back home with her mum, then left me, Dewei and Boss. But happy moment didnt last long. Storm come immediately when Dewei mention about Joanne and Catherine. I really dunno what happen to Catherine as for no reason, she just call and question me why I tell Boss that she is sick. Then Dewei out of sudden tell Boss that Joanne say Catherine do not want the water macchine. They seem to be not happy that Boss know that Catherine is sick.
Anyway, is that a BIG DEAL or DISGRACE to let people know that you are sick? Boss is so kind to ask God Sis for discount on the water machine, so that we can get her one asap to cure her illness. But it doesnt pay good to be kind. I respect the cancer aunty that I met yesterday, she is strong and fight on with her life even her condition already reached final stage. But some people just stage 3 condition and already start to give up her life.
Boss dun want me to contact Joanne and Catherine for a period of time and also inform Joanne not to contact me as well. Haiz. Why must situation turn up like that? I went home immediately after Boss left the durian area. I didnt even have the mood to go out with Dewei after that, and I choose to go home as well.
Who is at fault? Boss scolded me and asked me to get lost. Haiz. I m very sad and hurt now. Actually unhappy incident wont happen if Dewei didnt mention it at the durian area, or I shouldnt even have ask him to come down at all. I know clearly that Boss is not at fault and he just want to help Catherine, but why must Joanne or Catherine, including Dewei, doubt him. You guys are alittle too much!
Yes! It is good to stay away from troublemaker and people's problem if they dun want us to help them. Boss, you are right and I m sorry. Seriously sorry for not staying by your side to fight against their nonsense just now. Comparing your health to them, I understand that your condition is also serious enough to take your life away anytime.
Why good moment always so short for me? I m sorry. Can you forgive me? Haiz.
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