Saturday, December 5, 2009

Album Photoshoot

Today is a super long day for me. Day started out with my (now) routined run before heading to school for lessons all the way till 6pm. Fetched dad home, accompanied them to dinner before rushing down to Signoria for my album photoshoot.

Finally met Ming Siang 大哥. He is very friendly and helpful and very humble guy also. I felt bad keeping him up till so late.

Alex 大哥 helped with with my make up and soon I started shooting for my first outfit. I like my outfit, it's very korean style. After some poses I changed into my second outfit. Also wore the sunglasses David and Joyce (Mee Mee Optics) gave me for my birthday. I do hope everything turns out well. If not I'd have wasted everybody's effort.

For more photo, click to

After shoot I sent everyone home before heading back. It's past 2am. Tomorrow's my cousin's wedding day, Monday wedding dinner. I dont know what to wear! Lol.

Before I end my post I wanna thank a few people.

Boss: For everything that he had done and helped me.
Ming Siang: For the sponsorship and photoshoot and design.
Alex: For the lovely make up.
Joanne and Joseph Di: For helping out and running about with Boss to help him with my stuffs.
Pin Ming Lao Shi and Chong 哥: For working so hard on my songs.
Edwin 大哥: For all the advices and help.

And many more whom I missed out. Thank you everyone!


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