But of course my weekends nowadays are spent clearing up my home. Another portion of my room is gone again today. Woke up early and went to CPF Board at Causeway Point to do my Singpass application. I waited quite awhile. Hopefully it works now.
Headed home to sleep for awhile more because really cannot take it. By the time I woke up it's already like mid-noon already. So I ate lunch and started clearing out my room. I think I'll paint my wall warm yellow, what do you all think?
Evening was much more fun! Mum, Dad, Sis and Aunt May decided to do something special for Halloween. So Sis suggested I dress up for the occasion. So for the fun of it, I specially bought long sleeve shirt and decided to play L from Death Note.
This is L from Death Note
This is me, after makeup! Look alike or not? (",)
Check out the eye-shadow my Sis drew for me. Lol!
Dont get shock ok. Haha. Anyway a lot of people say I look like him. Attended my cousin's birthday celebration, had supper and we all headed home.
Carol I got your random msg again. Lol. And Joseph, cheer up!
Sunday tomorrow. Hopefully it's a fruitful day.
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