Monday, February 1, 2010

Monday Blues...

First day of Feb 2010. 100 economics practice questions. Tomorrow will have another 800 more to practice. Lol.

Some Mondays, you just wake up feeling very grouchy and this feeling just stays with you throughout the day. I happen to experience this feeling today. Just feel very vexed and stressful at time. Especially when the person you are close with feels down, it affects you too. I wished I can make everyone happy but I'm just a normal human being. I guess we cant be happy everyday? Today was a bad day anyhow.

Anyway, unhappiness aside, it was sweet to receive text of encouragement this morning from Joseph Di, Jeremy Bro, 娟接 and Cat 姐 today. Cat 姐 even dedicated my song on air. Haha. So nice of her. Thank you all. 谢谢你们。 (",)

Alright. Here's a small IQ quiz for you.

What is the SIMILARITY between this:

And This.........?

I think you all crack your brains and think and think, you will still not get the answer ba. Haha. So I shall reveal it to you!
Answer: This is the similarity!

Haha. See.........

HAHAHA! Joseph going to kill me for this! (",)

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