Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Made an amazing discovery today. Lol. I realised the way Boss groom him artistes is the same as Jay Chou - Quick, impulsive and affirmative. He's very spontaneous when coming to select his next uprising artiste and believes in making a star than grooming what seems to be already a star. He builds his own masterpiece with his own values and beliefs and believe it will shine. However while they are both very forgiving persons, they will let go if they have to. I guess that's the trait in every Boss of an artiste management company.

That brings me to something which I felt pretty much disappointed recently. I wouldnt say much, just that some things I felt people could have handled it in a better manner. Let me ask a simple question before starting off anything:

In any company that you work it or in every job that you do. Can you be or arrive later than your Boss or Client? Is it right?

In this industry, everything is handled by the second. Time is very precious as every minute counts as money. Be it a TV commercial, Radio airplay, TV program, make up artists, Recording studios, even limousines and photographers, they all count and charge by the second. For example TVCs have a certain restrictions of a certain TVC to air on a certain time and the TVC itself has a certain duration it has to follow. Any increase or decrease in time means additional costs or unnecessary losses.

However, people tend to overlook this fact. Because they are not the ones paying. Talk is cheap. In fact I would say it's free. Sometimes people say the wrong stuffs, which would mean having to pay a price. People hate paying but the fact that you said it, you've got to accept the price to pay.

Ask yourself what have the company gave you. Sponsorships, Media exposure, helping and encouraging you to set up blogs and Facebook pages gathering supporters for you. End of the day who gets the good stuffs? Who gets the fame and glory? Whose face is it on the backdrop? Whose album is it selling out on CD stores? Who gets the supporters' affections and gifts? Who gets everything? YOU.

But what have you given to the company? NOTHING. Not even a single cent. Yet how many people would be more than willing to pay to get what you have gotten for free? Have you thought of it?

Ok, maybe some of you may think that I'm blowing things out of proportion, dismissing whatever happened as a "Small Matter" or that I'm making a mountain out of a molehill. I can only say it's the little things which shows a person's character and attitude. These small things in life are rehearsals and trainings for the BIG things that are going to happen in life.

Ask if one day you are late for a $100K assignment, who is going to compensate to the client? Who makes the most loss? It's the company. Yes, you may argue that you also lose the "artiste fee" that you were suppose to get out of the assignment but think again, who invested in you? Who threw time, effort and money in you? So who's making the most losses now, again?

What the company does for you doesnt happen overnight. It's a result of a series of planning and arrangements and meetings before any decision is being made for any job or assignment that you got to go. Yet, one can just destroy weeks and days of planning just by one stupid action. Worse still if there's no reason or because of some unconvincing reason that your pet is sick or what. Just for the record before anyone starts to say that I'm not compassionate. 2 years back my grandfather passed away. That evening itself, I have a performance scheduled. I could have taken the day off and proceed to the funeral. But still I finished up whatever commitments I had before the funeral and then proceed to attend the rest of the funeral. That's professionalism. Not just in the entertainment, but for any other industry, the rules are the same.

I'm not singling out anyone in particular, just hope some people to wake up their idea before speaking or doing anything out of impulse. People dont see the big picture and therefore wont understand how the other party feels.

Hope this helps.

Anyway I do want to single out one person in particular though. For the good reasons though. That's Jessica! Why? Because through the days we spent together, I truly respect the way she handled the sticky situations. The passion and dedication she puts in for others, yes, OTHERS, is totally deserving of my respect. First was the MV shoot. Despite working her ass (pardon me) off, burning the nights, paying stuffs out of her own pocket, the car, the props, the fuel and not getting anything in return for doing something which doesnt directly benefit her at all, she has never once complained. That's even after getting reprimanded by Boss in between the shooting and editing, getting scolded for nothing, she just smile and say she will do it. Never once I see her flare up or get upset. For that moment, I truly admire her for her attitude. Something lacking in me myself.

Then came the photoshoot. She knew she was late but she still finished up the shoot with dedication, doubling up as the photographer despite being "blamed the most" for being the latest. Apologising to Boss after that, taking responsibility for the entire group as she was the latest to arrive. How many of us can do that?

And she's a girl, mind you. How many MAN can do that?

Ok, that's rhetorical. Lol.

Before I end my post I wanna say that it's really unusual of me to write such harsh stuffs in my blog. My intention is not to embarrass anybody or to make anyone hate me or whatsoever. I just want to put things in a clearer picture for people who dont understand why things have to happen the way it had happened.

Clean up your act before it's too late.

Peace. (",)

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