Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Flawless Skin?

Today's the first day of my term test. Thank you everybody for the well wishes. Sorry I didnt have time to reply because my phone went dead throughout. Nevertheless, I appreciate every single thought from everybody!

Econs paper was OK, but not as easy as what I thought it would be. Hopefully I can do well. Tomorrow will be 2 killer papers. But I cant seem to get anything in my head. Like whatever that's going in seem to be coming out at the same time. Lol.

Went to pray Tai Sui with dad yesterday. Not really praying but rather "returning" tai sui. Anybody forgotten to return? There's this practice that we must "return" tai sui to the tai sui god because they have granted us a peaceful and successful year after praying to them in the beginning of the year. For those who "offended" the tai sui (犯太岁) last year and need to or forgot to "return", they are Ox, Dragon, Horse, Sheep and Dog. Must return before 冬至, or December 22nd. Those not affected this year must remember to check to see if your sign "offends" the tai sui.

And... My skin condition getting bad to worse recently. I already cut down alot of oily and deep fried stuffs. I dont snack anymore. I eat alot of fruits and vegetables, drink sufficient water and routinely exercise. But how come my skin gets only worse? :((

I came across this thing in Youtube.

I want. Anybody know where is it selling in Singapore? haha. Or is it not as good as it seem to be? Hmm.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Tomorrow's the first day of test. Lol. I dont know how will I fair this time round. Hopefully better than last term's tests or perhaps it would be nice if I can maintain? Wish me luck!

I bumped into my campmate today in school. I realised it's been close to a year since I really spoke to them (apart from those few same course as me and those whom I met frequently and during the meet up regarding Ka Ho, which was a pretty brief and solemn event). I wonder how have everyone been? Especially people like Raj and Surrender, who have returned to India. Have they gotten married? People like Giang and Eric who went overseas to study. Are they coping well? I miss the army days. Lol. Ironically, I missed my first ICT due to studies. Haha. I remembered our Batam days. Long lost photos, but deep memories in my heart. The joy and laughter. Making fun of one another. Praying in the huge white temple. Singing competitions etc.

This was me a year ago. (Looks like years ago. Lol)

Fun right? I want to go again! EME go together. HAHA! (",)

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Time Is Near

Time Check:

2 more days to exams;
7 more days to island wide release of my two songs;
11 more days to Christmas;
16 more days to the release of my new album;

Carol's already waiting for the 2nd one even before the release of the first EP. haha.

I'm excited. One more song to go for the first album and we're ready to go! Received 2 good news today. Will share it with you guys soon!

I came across a few interesting videos and I really wanna share it with you all.

I wonder how many of you have seen this boy's videos floating around either on Youtube or Facebook or any other media. I think he is great. Young cute lil boy. Apparently he is 6 year old and Japanese (I hearsay from other sources). Anybody knows his name though?

Aint he cute? (",)

Has anybody been listening to the radio? 91.3FM. This prank is the ultimate laughter medicine. MUST LISTEN!

HAHA. Abit bad la I feel. But still it's damn funny.

Anybody remember the Heineken Commercial?

How about this as a spoof.


And a Self Made Fridge.

Tiger Woods walking on water?

He's great. A golfing legend. I feel everybody should spare this guy and give him some credit to how much he has contributed to golfing sport.

Ok, last but not least for the night....

China really has alot of talents aint it? How did she managed that? Simply brilliant.

Alright. Enough of videos! Good night!