Tuesday, January 7, 2014




Make up Mirror-Mirror & Beauty Shop 為您推薦馬年開運彩妝!著名化妝師 Alex 會以您的臉型和五官,在配合您的星座,選擇對的顔色為你在馬年開運!如果大家也想和我一樣開運的話,可以撥電到 (+65) 6224 6335 詢問!一次開運只需$128新元,也只限新加坡區,但如果你們要飛來新加坡也可以啊!哈哈。。

YouTube: 蘇奕銓官方專屬頻道 Elson Soh Official Channel

Sunday, January 5, 2014




最近代言了一系列的靈芝飲料,大家喝過了沒?我還幫商傢想出了一句 slogan,就是:“一天一杯幸福,Perk 出色彩!”。這句話好聽嗎?我也為他們拍攝了一系列廣告,在此跟大家分享!

我喜歡靈芝咖啡和靈芝奶茶,因爲很香也很好喝!商傢也為了我設了一個臉書專頁,大家去看看,也記得點擊一下“讚”,加入 Perk Beverages 的臉書! 

如果你們想要買的話,可以上網到 JustClick.SG 購物網站購買。點擊這裡。現在有新年促銷,你們可以買給爸爸媽媽,爺爺婆婆,或者送給朋友們!當然也可以買來送給我!哈哈!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Chinese New Year is around the corner

Project Awareness (A-計劃) is turning one year old in February 2014. Should we celebrate with the children and elderly from low-income families? Or should we just let it pass as per normal? Many things are different after a major incident happen in August last year, but at least the storm is over now and things are getting back on track slowly. Anyway, who yet to check out this video?

Recently I constantly remind myself that this is my project, something that I always wanted to do and I should not just close it down like that. I know that many of the beneficiaries are happy when I visited them and I also enjoy chatting with them too. No doubt I cant afford to buy them so much ration or bring them for outing just like before, they don't really mind and they even tell me that if I can visit them more often, this will be the best gift to them. (",)

Chinese New Year is around the corner, I'm planning to visit them with mandarin oranges during the Chinese New Year and celebrate with them. If anybody want to join me, go check out Project Awareness Facebook Page and PM me over there when you see the posting on Chinese New Year house visiting!

Remember to share and walk with me at Project Awareness. 一份愛和關懷,是許多寂寞孤獨老人渴望的。我今天還會唱歌,是為了他們,不是因爲我想當歌手。我知道在 A-計劃 受益的家庭,都很開心在電視看到我表演,在電臺聽到我的歌,在報紙雜誌讀到我的新聞,我今天在娛樂圈的存在,是因爲有了他們才在,所以我要做他們永遠的彩虹!

Project Awareness YouTube Channel