Sunday, December 25, 2016

Today is Christmas Day

Today is Christmas Day. It's the season of giving and there is no better day than today to say this. On behalf of my team at Project Awareness, I would like to send my heartfelt thanks to all my volunteers and corporate companies for helping us and our beneficiaries for the past few years. 

I am truly grateful and warmed, to see many (new) people stepping forward to help those in need. I also want to thank my music fans and fellow artistes for lending their support to my distribution projects as well. Thank you to all the silent and unsung heroes! Merry Christmas!

Thank you to YK for the design of the poster, it is indeed very nice. 

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Positive Work Ethics and Beliefs

Work ethics can be defined as a set of values, which involves the right approach, attitude, precise behavior, respect for others and lively communication. Basically, work ethics normalize what an employee would do in different situations in office premises. 

The habit of following good work ethics is inherent - it comes from within. It involves our morality and other values, apart from what our parents have taught us. Workers revealing good work ethics are considered suitable for better positions and more responsibilities. Hence, it becomes important to be honest, responsible and dependable.

Positive Work Ethics and Beliefs

Honesty: The old adage,"honesty is the best policy" is true today more than ever. Any job assigned to a person should be done with utmost honesty, without double-dealing, untruthful or larceny. Employee business ethics manuals from most scandalized corporations are likely to contain slogans touting its commitment to honesty and integrity at work.

Integrity at Work: Integrity implies strength and stability. It means taking the high road by practicing the highest business ethics standards. Representing integrity in the workplace shows wholeness and reliability in a person's character and in an organization. It shows that person have solid workplace behavior ethics that matter in the real world that promote positive work ethics.

Dependability: Those who are dependable are considered reliable as well. Hence, it is necessary to develop the quality of being a responsible person. This will, in turn, nurture brilliant results and set you as a good example for those around you.

Responsibility: Accusing others, claiming victimhood, or passing the buck mays solve short-term crises, but refusal to take responsibility corrodes respect and unity in an organization. Ethical people take responsibility for their actions. Workplace stress issues are no excuse. Likewise, actions show the ability to be responsible both in the little and big things. Good work ethics show a deeper promise to personal responsibility.

Trust: There's no free drive to good work ethics. Trust is hard to earn and even harder to get back after you've lost it. Everyone who comes in contact with you or your company must have trust and confidence in how you do business ethics. Conflicts of interest in the workplace must not be on your detector display.

Respect: Respect is more than a feeling, but a demo of honor, value, and admiration for something or someone. We respect the laws, the people we work with, the company and its assets, and ourselves.

Teamwork: Always remember that you are a part of the team, no matter what role you play in it. Do what is not only good for you, but also, beneficial for the team as a whole. It is a business necessity to work openly and supportively in teams whether formal or informal. You need each other for effective problem solving in the work place.

Efficiency: Efficiency is vital for a person's own growth as well as the improvement of the company he is working with. It is very easy to spot inefficient employees, who waste a lot of time and resources. However, efficiency is still a hallmark of good workers.

Quality: Quality should be more than making the best product, but should extend to every aspect of your work. A person who recognizes quality and strives for it daily has a profound sense of self-respect, pride in accomplishment, and attentiveness that affects everything. From your memos to your presentations, everything you touch should communicate professionalism and quality. Don't let workplace stress issues rob you of striving for quality in everything you do.

Modesty: Humbleness and modesty are amongst the essential elements of good work ethics. Only a dupe is arrogant, while a wise person always shows behaviors of humility.

Leadership: A leader is out front providing an example that others will follow. Problem solving in the work place must be your first response. The real test of these values comes from the resulting action. It takes a concerted, company-wide effort, beyond inserting these words in an employee manual, to make it happen.

Positive Work Habits: Inculcate good working habits that will impress the people you are working with and your superiors as well. Coming to work late, dressing inappropriately and shuffling jobs are considered as signs of not following good work ethics.

Initiative: To be successful in whatever you do, it is vital to take initiatives on your part. Don't wait to be told what to do. If you are doing the right thing in an acceptable manner, do not hesitate to take initiatives.

Positive Attitude: Maintaining a positive attitude at work is very important to complete your tasks successfully. This is because your coworkers get affected by your trait and respond accordingly.

Friday, December 2, 2016

《露露的电影》 - Movie Date with Ah Gong and Ah Ma from Project Awareness

《露露的电影》 #LuLuTheMovie is indeed a movie that you shouldn't miss this year. I just went for the movie last week and I really enjoyed the movie so much, since I was once a fan of "The Noose" where I got to know "Lulu"!

This coming 7 December 2016 (Wednesday), Project Awareness will be bringing our elderly to watch this movie. It has been quite a long time since we last organise such an outing for the elderly. Many of you might be wondering if it is actually good to bring them out, as they are old and may not be advisable for them to go for outing, but I dont think that way. In fact I feel that going for the outing is a good excuse to get them to step out of their homes! Alot of the elderly stay alone and some of them are very introvert partly due to age and don't really socialise around. That is actually not healthy for them. Going for such outings not only brings them closer together with their neighbours, at the same time it is also something for them to remember before the end of 2016.

The reason why I chose 《LuLu The Movie》, is because I also want to support local production and local artistes, plus "Lulu" is such a funny and adorable character that can bring laughter and joy to the elderly too. Local movie Director/Actress Michelle Choong recently also shared the Facebook post from Project Awareness to her official page! We met briefly twice during a Christmas gathering at a friend's place and she comes across to me as a person who is really warm, kind and helpful!

If you want to support my initiative of bringing the elderly out for movie, check out HERE for more information. You can also purchase the movie tickets directly from to support this initiative by Project Awareness. 

Lastly, I'm wondering if Lulu is free on 7 December 2016 to make an appearance at our movie outing, as I believe all our Ah Gong and Ah Ma will be happy to see her in person. Anyway it's just a wish and hope it will come true.


What follows isn't the adventures of the Lulu seen on television - this Lulu can be angry, yearning and sad. She is no longer the chirpy Chinglish-spouting caricature seen on Channel 5 sketch show The Noose, where Chong gave birth to the character. - Reviews by The Straits Times

《露露的电影》是庄米雪的第三部电影,比上部刻画同志情愫的《他她他》来得精彩,喜感也与处女作《一泡而红》不同,《露》以幽默包装反映了一些社会现象。露露的狮城奇遇记,让人看到当侍应生的新移民听不懂英语,造成只懂英语的消费者,费尽唇舌都吃不到自己想要的食物。影片也透过立威廉片中的英语主播女友(也由庄米雪饰)一窥英语的高高在上。此外,数码更是造英雄的时代。 - Reviews by 聯合早報

Thursday, November 17, 2016




1. 能始終跟著團隊一起成長的人。

2. 對團隊的前景始終看好的人。

3. 在團隊不斷的探索中能找到自己位置的人。

4. 為了團隊新的目標不斷學習新東西的人。

5. 抗壓能力強且有耐性的人。

6. 與團隊同心同德、同舟共濟、同甘共苦的,不計較個人得失,顧全大局的人。


Tuesday, November 8, 2016

When was the last time you called home?

Home. The place where you took your first steps, got your first dollar from the tooth fairy, fell off of your bike and scraped your knee, had your first boyfriend and maybe your first heartbreak. Home is a place of comfort, growth, and coming of age. You spend years with your parents and maybe some siblings, forging a bond that will last a lifetime. You grow up and move out, which was probably a sad time for your parents and younger siblings. College, work, or life takes you in your own direction and down your own path. You’ve most likely established a support network wherever you are as life brings you new relationships and challenges. It becomes so easy to get sucked into your own life and forget to keep up with those who have been there from the beginning.

As simple as it is to call home, sometimes we get caught up in our own lives and forget to make even a short call home to keep up with our loved ones, the grandparents we spent summers with, the parents we thought didn’t know anything, and the siblings we used to fight with then grew to admire. Staying connected to your loved ones can certainly have its advantages as you grow older. For example, the dynamic of the relationship between family members changes. Remember when your mom tried to give you advice and you thought she was crazy? As you’ve gotten older, you’ve probably realized she made more sense than you realized. How about when your dad tried to teach you the basics of saving money and basic maintenance on your car and you felt bored? You may have had a moment where you wished you had paid more attention then.

The truth is, we need our families and you never know how much they may need you. No person is a lone star. Don’t forget to keep in touch with the people who love you the most and know you the best. Keeping up with family can help you feel more grounded, supported, and connected. Sometimes it’s nice to get a break from the people we deal with every day and hear the voice of someone who really gets you. With all of the various methods of communication today, there’s really not a good excuse to not be able to keep in contact with family. If you aren’t able to call, you can always send a text, email, letter or postcard, video chat, etc. The best thing is, it’s super quick to take a few minutes and send a message to your family and let them know that you care and are thinking of them.

So, when was the last time you called home?

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Who is “Deserving” of Kindness?

To a truly kind person, this is a meaningless question. Kindness comes from within your own heart; it’s something that you could not hold back if you wanted to. This is like asking, “Who is deserving of being seen by my eyes?” Your eyes see what they see. Your heart feels what it feels. You do what you do.

Every living being is deserving of kindness. More precisely, every living being can be an object for your empathy. Every living being has the same core experience; trying to stay alive, and trying to avoid death. Even a tree grows roots to get nourishment from the soil! Every living thing seeks life and avoids death. When you strip away all the details that come with the “complexity” of human life, you end up with this very simple core experience.

Everything a person does is an attempt to further those ends; extending life, delaying death. Even reproduction extends life and delays death! A child is an extension of our one’s own life. 

I may die in 50 years, but my seed (a part of my physical body) lives on, in the form of my progeny. In that sense, I will not die until all of my bloodline runs out. This is a very deep instinct that runs back through the millions of years of our evolution, all the way back to the first single-celled organism that extended its life by splitting itself into two organisms. It’s pretty trippy when you realize that our original ancestor, that crazy little single-celled organism, is still alive today in the form of all life on this planet (including you and me).

Every living being is deserving of your kindness. We are all part of the same compost heap. We’re all headed toward a final end, and we’re all afraid to lose this beautiful thing we have called “consciousness.” Life is short – for you, for me, and for the ants in my backyard. Let’s make it good for everyone.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Lajin‬ ‪‎拉近‬ 《明星的誕生》 生存之戰

今天我寫這個部落格是為我四位師弟師妹(林傑祺 Xavier Lim,周慧玲 Yuna Chew,羅炳強 Roben Keong,丘俊鑫 Lawrence Hiew)打氣,同時也希望我的粉絲和朋友都可以為他們加油加分,就是下載拉近的 APP 加入他們的 #Lajin 藝人官方專頁!你的每一票,每一個留言,每一個轉發,每一次按愛心的讚,都直接為他們爭取最高的排名,為他們爭取前往中國北京比賽的機會!以下是他們在拉近 APP 的連線,只要你們點擊這連線就可以支持我的師弟師妹了!

大家也請支持我的Charlene 姐旗下藝人 Lya Ng 黃揚策 和 Janice Choy 蔡枚珍 在拉近的藝人官方專頁,希望你們可以加油一起和我的師弟師妹一同前往中國北京參與《明星的誕生》比賽,為我們兩家經紀公司爭光!

最近我自己好忙,除了演出以外,我還必須兼顧我的義工活動(Project Awareness)和房地產生意,所以比較少很大家聯繫。我其實好期待趕快有新歌和大家見面,但目前我需要大家去下載我之前發過的音樂作品,我需要你們的支持!哈哈!


最後不少來自台灣的媒體和朋友都聯繫 皇室娛樂 Royal Entertainment,大家都以為我在台灣悄悄發片,還表示很喜歡這首【Saranghamnida】!其實大家都誤會了,這是我五年前的作品,而最近因為經紀公司和台灣娛樂公司合作,才很幸運把整張專輯上架!現在大家也可以在以下數位音樂平台聽到更多我的創作了!謝謝大家的支持,我很感動大家還記得我!請大家幫忙分享出去吧!


Thursday, May 26, 2016

Are You Ready For Gem Residences?

Gem Residences is the newest development by Evia Real Estate which is located in the Toa Payoh Town region. It is situated in the Toa Payoh town place that’s located right next to Braddell MRT and Toa Payoh MRT Station. Owners will rejoice as it is near to both MRT Stations with many HDB shophouses which supply retail shops for the residents.

Analysts see that this project will probably be well received even after the developer has started Gem Residences, since it has been a long time there’s a fresh start in the area. Once the first batch of buyers decide to sell their unit in other words, there’ll be resale demand.

Central Expressway (CTE) as well as Pan Island Expressway is, in addition, a short distance away from the development. So, time doesn’t have to be squandered when traveling home during the little roads back home.

Gem Residences Condo

For family that are searching for great schools to send their children to, there are various established institutions around the Toa Payoh area. For instance, Pei Chin Public School together with CHIJ Primary and Secondary School just some of the great schools that’s a short walk away from Gem Residences Braddell by Evia Real Estate. Also, Beatty Secondary School is also a good secondary school to contemplating their previous history to get.

Gem Residences Toa Payoh

For owners of Gem Residences Toa Payoh, initial strategies by the developer reveals that it’ll be a full condominium facilities development with many of the facilities located in large developments accessible at Gem Residences Evia Real Estate. As there will be a tennis court available for the residents to use, participate a tennis coach for the children is currently available. For Gem Residences Condo buyers who are seeking a work out at the comfort of their home, a full size indoor air-conditioned fitness center will be available for the residents to use as well. Gem Residences Toa Payoh and lifestyle living for you and your family combine sophistication.

If you are interested to know more about Gem Residences, whatsapp me (Elson Soh) at +65 9092 6068 for an non-obligation appointment or email me at for more information.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Understand about Zrii and different Nutritional Supplements and Beverages

Zrii is a nutritional beverage manufacturer based in Draper, Utah with offices in New Zealand and the United Kingdom. The company uses a multilevel marketing-style compensation plan to sell nutritional beverages all over the world.

Currently, the company sells seven different nutritional supplements and beverages. These supplements promise to help you lose weight, get your daily recommended value of vitamins and nutrients, and enjoy better overall health and wellness.

Zrii categorizes itself in the Ayurvedic wellness group. This is based on the fact that the products they market are processed in accordance to the 5,000 year old Ayurvedic principles that promote the use of natural ingredients to improve health.

Years ago, William Farley made a personal quest to find a product that would improve his overall health status and longevity. Not long after that, he came across Amalaki and with the help of Dr. Deepak Chopra, Zrii nutritional drink has been processed to benefit ones health. The health benefits of Amalaki are summed up below:

1. Excellent rejuvenator
2. Boost up the immune system
3. Aids in illness prevention

The 4 Core Products Of Zrii Made From The Ingredient Amalaki Are:

Zrii – nutritional drink
Purify – use to loss weight
Achieve – to promote normal digestion
Accell – use to control weight


Zrii Amalaki is its flagship product. Amalaki is a nutritional beverage that promises to “promote energy” and “enhance cellular rejuvenation.” It’s made primarily from the amalaki fruit, which Zrii claims has been used for over 5,000 years for its health properties.

In addition to amalaki, Zrii Amalaki has a number of other natural ingredients, including schizandra, ginger, jujube, haritaki, turmeric, and tulsi.

You’re supposed to take 2 fluid ounces of the beverage daily to support general wellness. Zrii doesn’t list the specific amount of each ingredient inside the juice. Instead, it hides all of these ingredient amounts inside a proprietary blend. One serving is 1 fluid ounce, but we don’t know how much of each serving is made from this proprietary blend.

Other ingredients include purified water, white grape juice concentrate, pear puree concentrate, and a number of other natural juice concentrates.


Purify is a total cleanse and weight management system that consists of four different supplements:

- Am Detox Capsules
- Pm Detox Capsules
- Fiber Supplement
- Detox Oil

All of these supplements have the same overall goal: remove impurities and toxins from your body and facilitate the removal of waste. You’re supposed to follow the Purify schedule listed here to refresh your body and rejuvenate your body’s natural cleansing systems.

Zrii claims that Purify users will be able to jump start their mind/body health, increase their overall energy, improve the speed and clarity of mental functioning, and improve their overall cellular functioning.


Achieve is a protein powder that can be used to make meal replacement shakes. The powder is specially formulated to promote healthy fat metabolism, help you build lean muscle, and boost your overall energy levels.

In order to achieve those benefits (get it?), Achieve uses a blend of four protein isolates (18g of protein per serving), very little sugar, and 6 grams of fiber.

It also includes natural ingredients like amalaki, gymnema, haritaki, guggul, turmeric, cinnamon, green tea, and cayenne.


Accell is an energy powder that you mix with water to boost your metabolism and increase your energy throughout the day. Each single serving package contains 25 calories and comes with the following benefits:

- Boost Your Metabolism To Burn More Calories
- Enjoy A More Sustained Release Of Energy
- Reduce Stress
- Improve Digestion
- Boost Mental Alertness

Specific ingredients in Accell include known nootropic compounds like green tea and Bacopa monnieri along with eleuthero root, vidanga, ionic trace minerals, trikatu, natural B vitamins, and digestive enzymes.

Although Zrii likes to claim that the energy boost and metabolism boost comes from the natural ingredients, the reality is that each serving of Accell comes with 135mg of caffeine, which is slightly more than one cup of coffee. Compared with high levels of vitamin B12 (50% of your daily value), it’s easy to see why Zrii Accell increases your energy.

Join the Zrii opportunity today!

Become one of the Zrii premium members and explore why Zrii is one of the hottest home based businesses in the USA and other countries, including Singapore.

To understand how you can create good money opportunity for yourself or your company, you may contact us accordingly for an appointment:

Whatsapp/SMS: +65 9877 0340
Email: /

I-Asia Star Pte Ltd and J Consultancy Group Pte Ltd are both registered members of Zrii Singapore and all the products' information are shared and retrieved from online. ​

Monday, April 4, 2016

Pocket Racers GT

Attended the launch for Pocket Racers GT on Saturday! It is the first time I am invited to a game launch and I was pretty excited about it. I am an avid gamer (boys being boys) and I've always been fascinated with games. I was even more excited when I found out that the game was actually Pocket Racers GT! 

Basically this game is a racing game. It's very similar to Tamiya. Yes the traditional Tamiya cars where you can actually race one another on a track. In fact, Tamiya is one of the working partners with Pocket Racers GT! I like these kind of games specially because it allows me to be in full control of the cars and how I want it to be. It is challenging also due to the fact that almost everything inside is customisable. So you really have to wreck your brains hard to find a solution to different race tracks. What's even better is that I can play it on the go. 

I also invited one of the beneficiaries from Project Awareness to attend the event with me, and Uncle Ringo came down and he was too, impressed by the game!

Thank you Mr Kenneth Mark Yong from GToken for the invitation. Thank you Venvici and the team behind Pocket Racers GT for having me too. I am glad to be able to share this with everyone around me. If you guys have downloaded Pocket Racers GT, please do so now and race me!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Congratulate Richmond Tan and Charmaine Tan from Pioneer Junior College

Last week I read in the papers about a success story of two student from my former college, Pioneer Junior College (PJC), who aced their A-Level exams against all odds. As I read the news I felt a strong surge of happiness going through me. It really reminded me of my days in Pioneer.

I didn't particularly start out as a model student, in fact I would admit I was quite notorious. Haha. I didn't ace my exams, and sometimes even performed below par and often find myself at the lower end of the class position. However, my teachers were very patient towards me. They didn't give up on me. They counselled me, talked to me like an adult (it was a big thing for me back then when I was 17 years old) and spent time and effort to let me know of the importance of education. 

I remembered my form teacher Mdm Betty Tong even once said, "Even if you decided not to study or score for your exams, you must still grow up to be a nice person and treat people with respect. I am not here just to tell you to study, but also here as a friend to impart certain life values to you, so that you can grow up and impart similar values to others."

Till today these words etched deep in my heart. When I founded Project Awareness, my own volunteer group, these words resonated in my mind. And so wherever I go, I remind myself to also impart life values to the family that we take care of, especially the young children.

This is the impact that PJC will leave on its students. It's not just an educational institute, but a place where values are imparted, good manners are forged and life skills handed down. The principal and every teacher share the same passion and dedication to every student, no matter who or where they are from.

To everyone out there, do not give up on your dreams. Go out there and take the step to pursue it! 

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Richmond Tan and Charmaine Tan, for a job well done! I am truly proud of them and hope that they can achieve greater success in the future! Once a Pioneer, Always a Pioneer. While I Live, I Learn!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Happy Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year celebration is coming to an end, but we still have to move on with our daily life. By the way, I hereby wishing all my friends a very Happy and Prosperous Chinese New Year. May you be blessed with abundance of good luck, great wealth and good health. Huat!

This year, apart from writing greeting cards for my sponsors and clients, I also wrote a very meaningful card to one of my supporters as well. Hope that she will do well in her study and be dare to pursue her own dream in near future. 

Before Chinese New Year, I visited Degree Hair Studio again. I really love their services and professional advise for my image, despite the fact that I'm overweight now. Lol. Which mean it is time for me to lose some weight when I go for my reservist this coming week. Thank you Bern, Jas and Degree Hair Studio for everything! If you are still looking for a place to do up a wonderful hair, this is the place to go! For appointments call +65 6732 3320 now! You can also LIKE Degree Hair Studio Facebook by clicking HERE.

Anyway I will be stepping back to recording studio to record a new single, as I know many of you are still waiting for my new song, and do be patience. I believe the new song will be release this June/July 2016.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Life is a competition

What is the meaning of life? This is one of the most frequently asked questions by all of humanity since the beginning of time. It is a question naturally asked by people because they have the ability to make choices about life. The question would appear to be difficult to answer and different for every individual depending on their circumstances. It is the ultimate search for truth and purpose in life; the reason we were born, wake up everyday and exist.

The truth is, life is just playing by different rules. The real rules are there. They actually make sense. But they’re a bit more complicated, and a lot less comfortable, which is why most people never manage to learn them.

Life is a competition

That business you work for? Someone’s trying to kill it. That job you like? Someone would love to replace you with a computer program. That girlfriend / boyfriend / high-paying job that you want? So does somebody else.

We’re all in competition, although we prefer not to realise it. Most achievements are only notable relative to others. You swam more miles, or can dance better, or got more Facebook Likes than the average. Well done. It’s a painful thing to believe, of course, which is why we’re constantly assuring each other the opposite. “Just do your best”, we hear. “You’re only in competition with yourself”. The funny thing about platitudes like that is they’re designed to make you try harder anyway. If competition really didn’t matter, we’d tell struggling children to just give up.

Fortunately, we don’t live in a world where everyone has to kill each other to prosper. The blessing of modern civilisation is there’s abundant opportunities, and enough for us all to get by, even if we don’t compete directly. If you deny that competition exists, you’re just losing. Everything in demand is on a competitive scale. And the best is only available to those who are willing to truly fight for it.

You’re judged by what you do, not what you think

Society judges people by what they can do for others. Can you save children from a burning house, or remove a tumour, or make a room of strangers laugh? You’ve got value right there. That’s not how we judge ourselves though. We judge ourselves by our thoughts.

“I’m a good person”. “I’m ambitious”. “I’m better than this.” These idle impulses may comfort us at night, but they’re not how the world sees us. They’re not even how we see other people. Abilities are not prized by their virtue. Whatever admiration society awards us, comes from the selfish perspectives of others. A hard working janitor is less rewarded by society than a ruthless stockbroker. A cancer researcher is rewarded less than a supermodel. Why? Because those abilities are rarer and impact more people.

Our idea of fairness is self interest

People like to invent moral authority. It’s why we have referees in sports games and judges in courtrooms: we have an innate sense of right and wrong, and we expect the world to comply. Our parents tell us this. Our teachers teach us this. Be a good boy, and have some candy.

But reality is indifferent. You studied hard, but you failed the exam. You worked hard, but you didn’t get promoted. You love her, but she won’t return your calls. The problem isn’t that life is unfair; it’s your broken idea of fairness.

Take a proper look at that person you fancy but didn’t fancy you back. That’s a complete person. A person with years of experience being someone completely different to you. A real person who interacts with hundreds or thousands of other people every year.

Why life isn’t fair

Our idea of fairness isn’t actually obtainable. It’s really just a cloak for wishful thinking. Can you imagine how insane life would be if it actually was ‘fair’ to everyone? No-one could fancy anyone who wasn’t the love of their life, for fear of breaking a heart. Companies would only fail if everyone who worked for them was evil. Relationships would only end when both partners died simultaneously. Raindrops would only fall on bad people.

Most of us get so hung up on how we think the world should work that we can’t see how it does. But facing that reality might just be the key to unlocking your understanding of the world, and with it, all of your potential.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Singapore Scout Association celebrating SG50

More than 2,500 scouts from 18 different countries gathered at the Sarimbun Scout Camp in Lim Chu Kang on last year (18 November 2015) morning to mark Singapore's 50th birthday at a celebration organised by the Singapore Scout Association (SSA). Sorry for posting the photo after one month later. 

I would like to thank Chief Tan for inviting me to be the opening singer for this meaningful event. Hope that everybody like my songs, especially our foreign friends from the other 17 countries.  

During the event, I also met Dr William Wan and Michelle Tay from Singapore Kindness Movement. Thank you for always promoting kindness and volunteerism too!

Sing three of my own composition at Singapore International Jamboree 2015. They have a big stage and happy to see so many scouts waving their flags during my performance, and they even come up to the stage!

Thank you Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean for the photo at International Scout Jamboree!