Friday, January 3, 2014

Chinese New Year is around the corner

Project Awareness (A-計劃) is turning one year old in February 2014. Should we celebrate with the children and elderly from low-income families? Or should we just let it pass as per normal? Many things are different after a major incident happen in August last year, but at least the storm is over now and things are getting back on track slowly. Anyway, who yet to check out this video?

Recently I constantly remind myself that this is my project, something that I always wanted to do and I should not just close it down like that. I know that many of the beneficiaries are happy when I visited them and I also enjoy chatting with them too. No doubt I cant afford to buy them so much ration or bring them for outing just like before, they don't really mind and they even tell me that if I can visit them more often, this will be the best gift to them. (",)

Chinese New Year is around the corner, I'm planning to visit them with mandarin oranges during the Chinese New Year and celebrate with them. If anybody want to join me, go check out Project Awareness Facebook Page and PM me over there when you see the posting on Chinese New Year house visiting!

Remember to share and walk with me at Project Awareness. 一份愛和關懷,是許多寂寞孤獨老人渴望的。我今天還會唱歌,是為了他們,不是因爲我想當歌手。我知道在 A-計劃 受益的家庭,都很開心在電視看到我表演,在電臺聽到我的歌,在報紙雜誌讀到我的新聞,我今天在娛樂圈的存在,是因爲有了他們才在,所以我要做他們永遠的彩虹!

Project Awareness YouTube Channel

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Final words of 2013

Some time back, I was invited to attend the Grand Opening of Popeyes outlet in Bugis. When I heard of the invitation, I accepted immediately. I have always been an ardent fan of the fast food chain. The party started with a flash mob, which I participated and had fun. Then it was interview with The Muttons (also my favourite english DJs) before photo taking and getting to know more people. 

Once again a BIG THANK YOU to Chief Operating Officer Dickson, Marine from Absolute PR and the team at Popeyes for having me! Check out the photos and video below!

Then it was my Hong Kong and Taiwan trip, which I visited a few medias and fans before flying back to Singapore. When I touch down, I had an interview with Yahoo! , which was a great experience. Check out the interview HERE. Thank you Yahoo! once again.

Right now I'm nearing the end of my promo tour in Indonesia. Brought along a few of my Australian Natural Volcanic Spring Water as I have the habit of drinking this before going on stage. If you guys havent heard of this water, check out the video below!

On the last day of 2013, I wanna say a word of thanks to the people in my company for helping me. My boss, as well as the team behind (Stephen, Michelle, Eddy, Shimin, Irene) supporting me. Thank you all for your hard work! Also not forgetting my fans from Taiwan, Malaysia and Singapore. 


Thank you to all my sponsors and friends for helping me through 2013. Love you all. Before I end my post, here's sharing my new song once again. Thank you all for your support! Till then. <3 p="">

Sunday, December 29, 2013

回顧 N 年前

2014 年快到來了,你們有什麽願望嗎?今天在印尼演出的我,突然有很多感想,也趁的休息時間回顧一下我在這幾年讀書的時候,到底做了些什麽。

記得幾年前,我錄製了一些房間版視頻上載到 YouTube,也就這樣認識到了一群新加坡歌迷,一直陪我走到現在。這麽多年的風風雨雨,歌迷朋友們依然風雨無阻支持我,不管我是不是一名紅藝人,她們都一直支持我,默默為我加油。我還在耕耘,但相信你們都和我一樣,都期待我去臺灣分享我的個人創作,我不會讓你們失望的。謝謝你們對我的期待!


看了聼了我最喜歡的視頻,你們記得要訂閲我的官方 YouTube,只要點擊這裡就可以訂閲和觀看到我更多新上載的視頻。寫到這裡,就想到我進入娛樂圈的第一首單曲《祝你幸福》。現在就再度跟大家分享,特別是我在馬來西亞和臺灣的歌迷們,相信很多還沒聼過吧。很可惜這首歌沒有音樂視頻,但有一位香港朋友製作了一個動畫視頻,看了還蠻感動的。

好了!最近天氣很冷,大家要照顧一下自己。我要去準備等一下的演出了!今天我會唱我自己創作的馬來歌曲《Cinta Padamu》和《Cinta Tak Kesampaian》。祝我好運吧!