Thursday, April 30, 2009

Earning Opportunity for Bloggers

I went out with Tony today. Went to Wee Nam Kee for lunch. Had a big spread! Look at the food! Looks delicious right? Lol. After that we talked abit and he sent me home.

The appointment meeting with YES 933 radio management is postpone to a later date. So stay at home, nothing much to do, then went online to search for more earning advertisement opportunity for my blog. I created a few new advertisement banners for my blog, scroll down to check out!

If any of you want to know how to earn more income for yourself, do click at all my advertisement banners in my blog. Sign up and earn money together with me! It is free and no need any registration fee. Another earning opportunity for all the bloggers! (“,)

周杰伦, 王力宏, 孙燕姿, 蔡依琳

今天又有了新点子! 突然很想写故事, 把我的凭空想像的画面都写下来. 可能先写几辑看看你们的反应如何, 如果喜欢的话, 那我就继续再写下去!

哈哈哈! 我好像越来越忙了! 要录制自己的YouTube节目, 又要录制我的KTV房歌曲, 现在又要写迷你小说. 希望你们会喜欢!

说老实的, 做那么多, 主要是为了把自己准备好, 以后去台湾的时候, 就不会手忙脚乱了. 老板总是说世上没有不成功的艺人, 只有好吃懒做的艺人. 只要用功把本份做好, 再加努力, 就有机会成功了!

其实看看我的几位偶像(周杰伦, 王力宏, 孙燕姿, 蔡依琳), 他们都很努力, 从默默无名, 到今天得到了天王天后级的封号, 很感动! 他们的实力是有目共睹的. 那不是一天一夜的努力, 而是日以继夜几年来不停的努力. 真的希望有一天能和他们同台演出!

好了, 不写了! 今天也很忙, 要出门敢通告了!

I m sorry!

Thanks to everybody who sms/msn me for the past two days. I m fine and I will be alright soon. Trying to recover myself from the hurting incidents. I m sorry if I make everybody upset because of me! (",) Elson will continue to smile after this blog entry.

I feel that if you had done something wrong that hurt a person, you should apologise to that person and not just pretend that nothing actually happen. Sometimes, a simple message can just hurt the person deeply without you noticing, and this often lead to many misunderstanding, resulting in the losing a friendship or even relationship.

Saying sorry maybe the only way to clear up the unhappiness at time. If you sincerely treat your friend or loved ones seriously, then you should apologise to him/her, who know everything can be even better after that, rather than losing a good friend or loved ones.

I know you are reading my blogging and hope you can understand what I mean. I m not evil and I m not heartless, just that I need time for many things and hope you can understand me. If you never text that word online, the situation wont be that bad as now.