This Christmas is the most happy festive season that I ever had during the past few years as a singer. First time I have so many fans and supporters sending me Christmas wishes and presents, from Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan and Indonesia. Thank you guys, all of you brighten my days and I m more confident and ready for 2014 with more good music and activities.
I will be heading to Indonesia for performance and holiday tomorrow and will be back next week. Hope everybody will continue to share my
music and remember to visit my blog and other social platforms as well! Most important, must remember to be one of my
subscribers at YouTube, because I will be uploading some of my new and old videos onto this official channel of mine! Subscribe
here now.
Do you like this photo? Very funny right? I personally don't like, but many of my friends say they like this look, maybe it is not the usual Elson? Haha. Nevertheless it is still me and always me exploring for new "look and feel". Stay tuned for more new "Elson Soh" in 2014!
Recently while in Singapore, I did a few house visiting with one of the volunteers from Project Awareness.
It’s been awhile since I seen Ah Ma and Ah
Gong. Happy to see them and brought them some food. They told
me they miss me a lot and I told them it’s the same for me. I sat down
and had a long chat with them.
I’m glad that they are still doing fine and healthy. Really
heartwarming to see the elderly couple so close and in love. Ah Gong’s
82 birthday is round the corner, sure doesn’t seem to reflect on his
outlook. Hehe. I will try to visit as many families as possible and keep everybody posted on their current status at Project Awareness official facebook. Remember to share your love and walk with me at Project Awareness!
Project Awareness in Chinese is known as A-計劃, just for my fans and supporters in Malaysia, Taiwan and Indonesia, as I hope to spread the love to your country as well! Maybe in 2014, you will see me bringing happiness and joy to the beneficiaries in your country! 愛無極限,愛無國界!