Saturday, September 19, 2009

Puma Motorsport Collection

Today was a long and busy day for me. Woke up, got ready and headed out to Angelsky8 for haircut! Darren cut my fringe and did some layering. So now it appears like I have bangs, but he said it will grow. Lol!

After that I headed to Hoods inc Production for casting. Had a hard time finding the place despite cabbing there. Met Fiona, the friendly person in-charge and I got ready for my audition. Another girl came for audition for the female role and so we were paired up together. Her name is Mariam (in purple) and she is 13 years old, born in America and is of Pakistan blood. Can you tell? Lol. She’s is very friendly and she studies in the Singapore American School. The shocking thing is that she told me she has lived in 7 countries already. Imagine 13 years old and 7 countries? Means average 2 years she shift once!

Anyway we did the audition together. We were asked to do an Opera script and I just freestyle my Opera singing. Hopefully they didn’t find it awful. Lol!

After that I headed down Marina Square to look for my parents as they wanted to sign up for mobile broadband and were shopping at the same time. Guess what I saw? F1 Roadshow by Starhub, Puma and Bridgestone! So excited.

Walked around and also got the opportunity to take a picture with the race queen and the car (got a complimentary 4R photo too). Puma Motorsport collection are also there for sale. They have F1 related merchandises, F1 themed apparels, and many others! Very nice and unique designs. New releases available there too! If you guys free should go down to talk a look too!

After Marina Square I headed home. Attended my friend’s birthday party at night. So happened that two friends of mine actually held their birthday at the chalet side by side! So coincidental! Anyway here’s wishing the both of them Happy 21st Birthday! You are now officially an adult! Best wishes! (“,)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Red in my head!

Wow! Saw my picture at NuYou magazine and please vote for me as much as possible. Lol!

Anyway, read a news at Shin Min and hope you can take care inside there. No doubt many people may look down on you in future, but stay strong and prove yourself again. Jiayou! (",)

I will be attending another F1 event organised by PUMA Motorsport at St James Power Station on 24 September 2009. All the invited guests will have a chance to meet the Ferrari Driver in person. Remember! If you have the ticket, must go as I m there too. Lol! Then must take photo with me together, so I can upload to my blog.

Also remember to come to River View Hotel on 20 September 2009 (Sunday), from 2pm to 5pm to support Boss's seminar . Refreshment will be provided and most importantly, two other comanies will be involved in this seminar as well. They are Seasons Perfection Beauty and Energy Chain.

Ok. Take care everybody. Got to go!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Look forward to Weekends

Very suay recently. Dont know why. Bad things kept happening to me. Either I missed the bus, or I was delayed by some stupid reasons, or my phone drops. It's the 10000000th time my phone dropped this week. Just today, already twice. I dont know why. It just drops like that. And today, my lecturer picked on me, just because he remember my name.

Anyway, I'm starting to like my class more. Making more new friends too. Sorry not being able to blog much. I look forward to weekends. I hope everyone does. And particularly this Sunday, EME and family gathering again!

The week is ending tomorrow. Everybody 加油!