Saturday, December 21, 2013



這星期接受了幾家媒體的專訪,也在準備下星期的媒體專訪。我要在此謝謝 YES 93.3 電臺為我播歌,還一直幫我介紹,感激各位 DJ 了!我也要謝謝我的臺灣歌迷後援會,還有新加坡和馬來西亞的歌迷後援會,在這 10 天一直為我在各自的臉書和其它管道宣傳。記得要繼續幫我打歌《彩虹也會哭》。

YouTube 連綫:

我也錄製了一個視頻,清唱了一小段我的新歌,希望大家會喜歡!謝謝 Stephen 為我製作了這好漂亮的視頻。大家一定要分享出去喔!

最後分享一下我在香港之旅!香港其實很冷,但好多美食吃不完!我和姐姐,蘇爸爸媽媽,還有 May 姨,都玩得很開心。希望明年還可以再和家人去香港旅遊!我很享受和家人在一起的時間,家庭的溫柔是無价的。


Sunday, December 15, 2013




我不是一個很紅的歌手,但我一直學習當一名好歌手。我不是一個很厲害策劃活動的人,但我為了 A-計劃 (Project Awareness) 的弱勢家庭一直再努力。我也不是一個生意人,但我學習如何把生意做好。今年已25 嵗的我,還在學習,還在努力。

前些日子,運氣不好,但已過了,所以不想再提了。現在的我只想把本分做好,把歌唱好,把 A-計劃 搞好,把生意經營好,讓家人朋友們都以我為傲!我在努力,可能有點點慢,但我還在努力中,希望大家對我耐心點。

我前幾天發行了一首全新單曲 《彩虹也會哭》,你們聼了嗎?我也會開始進行和參與宣傳活動,希望臺灣,馬來西亞和新加坡的朋友們都會支持我的新歌!

最後我會盡量一星期更新我的部落格,因爲大家認識我,也是從我的部落格開始的。如果大家可以的話,請幫忙我把這 YouTube 連綫 ( 放在您的臉書或其它網頁上,一起宣傳我的新歌!

Friday, March 8, 2013

A little thought can mean so much

I'm sure some of you have already known that Yumi and I recently set up a page called "Project Awareness" to make known to more people about the "people left behind in the society by everyone". The purpose of the page is to actually provide direct assistance to these people as we all know going through organisations actually take a long period of time before actual help is rendered to them.

Recently I have made known to the people two more high profile cases. One was the Lim family, whom 4 kids were orphaned overnight due to a freak accident. I thank each and everyone of you who have helped them out in one way or another. I think they are well taken care of now. (",)

Another case which was highlighted was the old lady at the back lane of Mohamed Ali Lane.

Took some time off my recording today and visited the old lady together with two of my colleagues. Went we reach there, she was full of smiles and said "你来了!(you are here)"

I squat beside her and asked how's business today. She replied that there are 6 people who visited her and bought her things and also got her food and drinks. She felt she is very lucky today that she have got alot of customers.

Then she added "I know you are the one who ask them to come!". To which I replied with a smile, "No, they came willingly to visit you." :)

Today she is more opened than previously. She told me about her life and family. She says she doesnt want to burden her son as he has his own difficulties. She also said that she is already very contented that she can still move about and sell things there to earn a living.

She showed me the amount of medicine she has to take daily. She told me she has serious Arthritis and that her feet aches every now and then. Then she told me that she looks to be slumping each time because her body reacts naturally like that time to time due to her health. She then sits up and tell me, "I always sit at first, but my body slowly slip as time goes by and i end up in the lying down position. Sometimes I cant move, even when people take my things and run away I cannot do anything also. I dont even dare to go toilet at times as things will get stolen very easily."

I passed her 5 sets of my album and a book courtesy of 管雪梅(雪梅姐)for her to sell and keep the proceeds. Thank you 雪梅姐 for your generosity to her!

She will be there daily most of the times 4pm onwards. I bought a CD from her and passed her some money. She didnt want to accept but I insisted and I convinced her by taking one more item from her to make her feel better. She say this is the most amount of money she made in this month. She say sometimes she only make 50 cents a day.

I have helped her put the book and albums out for sale. I sincerely hope everyone can go down and buy some things from her and keep her company for that little while. If possible, get her fresh cooked food so she doesnt have to eat leftovers all the time.

On behalf of the old lady and Project Awareness, I thank all of you for your kind heart and generosity!