Thursday, June 7, 2018




#1 MP Thai Sausage Authentic Thai Food Delights 正宗泰國美食


找尋 MP Thai Sausage 就在展位H31。

#2 Angel Baker卡通造型馬卡龍

美味可愛的卡通瑪卡龍配黑巧克力餡料,不像傳統馬卡龍那麼甜。購買價值新幣20元的馬卡龍,就能獲得獨特的卡通造型馬卡龍啦!只需將您的收據累積至新幣50元以上,即可參加我們的Spend&Win活動。您就有機會從Angel Bakery或美味飲食展中獲取新幣5元的優惠券(無最低購買額)。

找尋 Angel Baker 就在展位N19。

#3 Kung Fu JB Pau Jumbo Sure-Win Pau 發財包中超大包


找尋 Kung Fu JB Pau 就在展位N01。 

#4 Golden Palm Brand Premium Chicken and Pork Luncheon Meat 金手牌雞肉和豬肉午餐肉

金手牌成立於1995年,以其品質和口味而聞名。該公司的招牌產品系列金手牌香腸在2014年新加坡品牌大獎中榮獲Promising Brands獎。金手牌還擁有各種著名產品如甘榜養生雞、煙熏豬肘、優質雞肉和豬肉午餐肉等等。

找尋 Golden Palm Brand 就在展位E19 和 E23。

#5 Polanin Premium Polish Beer 波蘭優質啤酒


找尋 Polanin Premium Polish Beer 就在展位N17。









Tuesday, April 24, 2018

New Chapter in Life

Some of you may have realised that I have not been singing much for past three years. But among the busy schedules, I managed to release a new single, perform in The Grand Return music concert 2017 last year, and participate in the April Big Entertainment music showcase at 2MM TalentHub with my two juniors Lawrence Hiew and Danielle Gan. 

My passion in music had never reduce despite that my new chapter in life is to settle down with my love within the next two years. Looking back at my achievements in the entertainment industry, indeed I had accomplished many things, producing music, writing new songs, filming in a short-film movie, hosting shows, modelling for advertisement etc. 

I think I can say I have no regrets in life, to continue moving toward my new chapter in life, especially I'm turning 30 years old this September. Nevertheless I will still make music and do performance as and when my time permit, as I know there are still many out there who supported me since I was 17 years old. 

13 years in the entertainment industry didn't mark the end of the journey for me, in fact I will strive to write more different music for myself and my juniors, and of course hoping to impart my knowledge to them as well. I know I haven't been blogging, but I will do so as much as I can. Thank you once again everyone!

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Kindness is SIMPLE

We can never deny the fact that kindness is simple, because we always have the option to choose whether we want to be kind or we just simply hack care, even when we know that there are many underprivileged people who need our assistance. Where is our kindness and kampong spirit now?

Counting the number of days since I started Project Awareness in 2013, a initiative volunteer group in Singapore, we are still active and growing daily. Not only we see more individuals attending our distribution projects, we also see more families stepping forward with their children, seeing more corporate companies promoting kindness through their CSR program, seeing more tertiary institutions initiating distribution projects, I'm glad that my little effort didn't go wasted.

Countless times, I almost give up Project Awareness, as it is never easy to manage a big volunteer group, and there are many obstacles I have to face and challenge along the way. But whenever I think of those pure and beautiful smiles from the underprivileged old folks and children, I fight on and tell myself to be strong.

Currently I'm a property agent and a singer-songwriter under my own entertainment company, and nevertheless I always want to inspire people around me to promote kindness and love, to volunteer their time for the underprivileged people, No doubt there are still people around me, telling me to stop wasting time, telling me this is government and charity organisation's work, but how much do they really understand the fact that everyone can only do so much at one time?

Choosing to be difference, I continue my journey as volunteer, as the founder of Project Awareness, I pledge to give and do whatever I can for the underprivileged people that need our assistance. I hope everyone can continue to lend me your helping hand, continue to share my posting in the Facebook, continue to spare some time to volunteer in our projects.

Lastly, thank you to all the individuals, families, tertiary institutions, corporate companies, for all the assistance, kindness and effort that each of you contributed to Project Awareness, and making Singapore a EVEN more gracious city with love surrounding most of the underprivileged people, old folks, children and families.

I just want to say: "Kindness is SIMPLE, only when we just be simple and think simple".

#ProjectAwareness #A计划 #ForThePeopleFromThePeople #KampongSpirit #KindnessIsSimple

Kindness is everywhere and a little thought can mean so much! Remember to share and walk with us in Project Awareness.