Thursday, July 6, 2017

Kindness is SIMPLE

We can never deny the fact that kindness is simple, because we always have the option to choose whether we want to be kind or we just simply hack care, even when we know that there are many underprivileged people who need our assistance. Where is our kindness and kampong spirit now?

Counting the number of days since I started Project Awareness in 2013, a initiative volunteer group in Singapore, we are still active and growing daily. Not only we see more individuals attending our distribution projects, we also see more families stepping forward with their children, seeing more corporate companies promoting kindness through their CSR program, seeing more tertiary institutions initiating distribution projects, I'm glad that my little effort didn't go wasted.

Countless times, I almost give up Project Awareness, as it is never easy to manage a big volunteer group, and there are many obstacles I have to face and challenge along the way. But whenever I think of those pure and beautiful smiles from the underprivileged old folks and children, I fight on and tell myself to be strong.

Currently I'm a property agent and a singer-songwriter under my own entertainment company, and nevertheless I always want to inspire people around me to promote kindness and love, to volunteer their time for the underprivileged people, No doubt there are still people around me, telling me to stop wasting time, telling me this is government and charity organisation's work, but how much do they really understand the fact that everyone can only do so much at one time?

Choosing to be difference, I continue my journey as volunteer, as the founder of Project Awareness, I pledge to give and do whatever I can for the underprivileged people that need our assistance. I hope everyone can continue to lend me your helping hand, continue to share my posting in the Facebook, continue to spare some time to volunteer in our projects.

Lastly, thank you to all the individuals, families, tertiary institutions, corporate companies, for all the assistance, kindness and effort that each of you contributed to Project Awareness, and making Singapore a EVEN more gracious city with love surrounding most of the underprivileged people, old folks, children and families.

I just want to say: "Kindness is SIMPLE, only when we just be simple and think simple".

#ProjectAwareness #A计划 #ForThePeopleFromThePeople #KampongSpirit #KindnessIsSimple

Kindness is everywhere and a little thought can mean so much! Remember to share and walk with us in Project Awareness.

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