Tuesday, November 8, 2016

When was the last time you called home?

Home. The place where you took your first steps, got your first dollar from the tooth fairy, fell off of your bike and scraped your knee, had your first boyfriend and maybe your first heartbreak. Home is a place of comfort, growth, and coming of age. You spend years with your parents and maybe some siblings, forging a bond that will last a lifetime. You grow up and move out, which was probably a sad time for your parents and younger siblings. College, work, or life takes you in your own direction and down your own path. You’ve most likely established a support network wherever you are as life brings you new relationships and challenges. It becomes so easy to get sucked into your own life and forget to keep up with those who have been there from the beginning.

As simple as it is to call home, sometimes we get caught up in our own lives and forget to make even a short call home to keep up with our loved ones, the grandparents we spent summers with, the parents we thought didn’t know anything, and the siblings we used to fight with then grew to admire. Staying connected to your loved ones can certainly have its advantages as you grow older. For example, the dynamic of the relationship between family members changes. Remember when your mom tried to give you advice and you thought she was crazy? As you’ve gotten older, you’ve probably realized she made more sense than you realized. How about when your dad tried to teach you the basics of saving money and basic maintenance on your car and you felt bored? You may have had a moment where you wished you had paid more attention then.

The truth is, we need our families and you never know how much they may need you. No person is a lone star. Don’t forget to keep in touch with the people who love you the most and know you the best. Keeping up with family can help you feel more grounded, supported, and connected. Sometimes it’s nice to get a break from the people we deal with every day and hear the voice of someone who really gets you. With all of the various methods of communication today, there’s really not a good excuse to not be able to keep in contact with family. If you aren’t able to call, you can always send a text, email, letter or postcard, video chat, etc. The best thing is, it’s super quick to take a few minutes and send a message to your family and let them know that you care and are thinking of them.

So, when was the last time you called home?

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Who is “Deserving” of Kindness?

To a truly kind person, this is a meaningless question. Kindness comes from within your own heart; it’s something that you could not hold back if you wanted to. This is like asking, “Who is deserving of being seen by my eyes?” Your eyes see what they see. Your heart feels what it feels. You do what you do.

Every living being is deserving of kindness. More precisely, every living being can be an object for your empathy. Every living being has the same core experience; trying to stay alive, and trying to avoid death. Even a tree grows roots to get nourishment from the soil! Every living thing seeks life and avoids death. When you strip away all the details that come with the “complexity” of human life, you end up with this very simple core experience.

Everything a person does is an attempt to further those ends; extending life, delaying death. Even reproduction extends life and delays death! A child is an extension of our one’s own life. 

I may die in 50 years, but my seed (a part of my physical body) lives on, in the form of my progeny. In that sense, I will not die until all of my bloodline runs out. This is a very deep instinct that runs back through the millions of years of our evolution, all the way back to the first single-celled organism that extended its life by splitting itself into two organisms. It’s pretty trippy when you realize that our original ancestor, that crazy little single-celled organism, is still alive today in the form of all life on this planet (including you and me).

Every living being is deserving of your kindness. We are all part of the same compost heap. We’re all headed toward a final end, and we’re all afraid to lose this beautiful thing we have called “consciousness.” Life is short – for you, for me, and for the ants in my backyard. Let’s make it good for everyone.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Lajin‬ ‪‎拉近‬ 《明星的誕生》 生存之戰

今天我寫這個部落格是為我四位師弟師妹(林傑祺 Xavier Lim,周慧玲 Yuna Chew,羅炳強 Roben Keong,丘俊鑫 Lawrence Hiew)打氣,同時也希望我的粉絲和朋友都可以為他們加油加分,就是下載拉近的 APP 加入他們的 #Lajin 藝人官方專頁!你的每一票,每一個留言,每一個轉發,每一次按愛心的讚,都直接為他們爭取最高的排名,為他們爭取前往中國北京比賽的機會!以下是他們在拉近 APP 的連線,只要你們點擊這連線就可以支持我的師弟師妹了!

大家也請支持我的Charlene 姐旗下藝人 Lya Ng 黃揚策 和 Janice Choy 蔡枚珍 在拉近的藝人官方專頁,希望你們可以加油一起和我的師弟師妹一同前往中國北京參與《明星的誕生》比賽,為我們兩家經紀公司爭光!

最近我自己好忙,除了演出以外,我還必須兼顧我的義工活動(Project Awareness)和房地產生意,所以比較少很大家聯繫。我其實好期待趕快有新歌和大家見面,但目前我需要大家去下載我之前發過的音樂作品,我需要你們的支持!哈哈!


最後不少來自台灣的媒體和朋友都聯繫 皇室娛樂 Royal Entertainment,大家都以為我在台灣悄悄發片,還表示很喜歡這首【Saranghamnida】!其實大家都誤會了,這是我五年前的作品,而最近因為經紀公司和台灣娛樂公司合作,才很幸運把整張專輯上架!現在大家也可以在以下數位音樂平台聽到更多我的創作了!謝謝大家的支持,我很感動大家還記得我!請大家幫忙分享出去吧!
