爱情字典 episode 5 is here! Sorry to keep all my novel readers waiting! This time round, I pick one of my own song as the background music, as many of my friends and supporters love this song. Hope my readers also like it as well! Anyway, I m not in a mood now. Sorry!
Click to http://elsonsohnovel.blogspot.com/2009/05/5.html
PM: Anyway, the time now is 5.25am and seem that YOU are not interested to update me again. Where is your Promise? Where is our Agreement? Is it just to cover the mistake and hurt that you had done to me? I m very disappointed again. 痊愈的伤口, 为何又被你狠狠地撕开?
I began to get sick of blogging, because the reason for blogging is no longer there. You want my answer and I tell you now - 爱情和事业, 我会选择爱情! Do you know I havent been online from yesterday till now? Do you know that I had been avoiding replying the smses and calls? All because of YOU! 可以告诉我何时才可以离开这伤人的世界吗?