Saturday, April 18, 2009


夜晚作了一首曲, 比较小品. 交给了黑夜老师填词, 很期待, 因为他的词每一次都写的很伤, 很悲. 最近生病, 身体也不太舒服, 想要休息, 但通告却每天都有, 所以我需要珍惜剩下的时间去睡觉和休息.

目前录歌, 录节目, 跑校园和户外表演, 也忙于见赞助商谈广告的内容. 忙!!! 朋友们, 如果我忽略了你们的简讯或MSN, 请原谅我! 我答应我一有时间, 便会马上给你们回复的. 昨天, 我也打了好几通电话给几位好朋友, 和他们各自闲聊了一会儿. 希望他们都会开心! 而如果你没收到我的电话, 那是因为我没有你的联络电话! (",). 记得以后要留电话号码给我!

新加坡今晚会有两场大型演唱会, 你们买票去看了吗? 猜猜看, 我会去看哪一场演唱会呢? 一场是容祖儿Starlight演唱会, 应该会有神秘嘉宾吧! 而另一场是伟菘偲菘好朋友音乐派对, 出席艺人嘉宾有孙燕姿, 罗志祥, 蔡依琳等等的当红歌手!

很羡慕! 如果有一天苏奕铨开演唱会, 你们一定要支持我! 哈哈哈!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Kranji Secondary School

Just upload the picture that I took at Kranji Secondary School yesterday. So many picture and Nicholas took all the picture for me using his professional camera. Lol. I miss my old school days at Kranji Secondary School. The principle and teachers invited me back to perform, and very soon you guys in Kranji Secondary School will see me singing my new songs!

To see more photo, click to

After the visiting to Kranji Secondary, we went for our lunch at Limbang Shopping Centre. Saw the two dishes below? Delicious right? Lol. Limbang Shopping Centre is just walking distance from Kranji Secondary School.

Oh ya! I want to recommend my friend's food stall at Limbang Shopping Centre food court. His parents is selling western food. Look at the chicken wing and fries that I m showing. I must say it is very tasty and Bryan also agreed that we should go to this stall often.

Thanks Uncle and Aunt for their treat! (",)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Hidden Place

Today went back to Kranji Secondary School to visit all my teachers and the staffs in the Management Office. I m glad that they still remember me and I also took picture with my teachers and staffs.

I give away my CDs and Makeup Shop Membership Card to the teachers and staffs that I met in the school. I also give some of the CDs to the students down there. Many of them didnt get my CDs because I only bring 30 sets to the school.

I will be uploading the picture tomorrow as Nicholas yet to pass me all the pictures that he took for me. Bryan also accompany me to the school visit, and he was impressed by some of my juniors at Kranji Secondary School.

Sorry to Carol, Yuan Zhuang and their friends, as I didnt meet them as promised. Last minute, Boss give me extra work to do and hope all of you dun get angry with me. I will sign my new poster for all of you, including Daniel and his friends.

After the school visit, we went to Nicholas's house to do the video editing for My Lifestyle Youtube video program until 6.30pm. Then we proceed to meet one new sponsor at Tras Street, called The Hidden Place. Both the bosses are very nice to me and Bryan. They might sponsor me and Bryan with their products and services such as spa, massage and many more other services provided by their company.

Do visit their website at A ideal place for relaxing after a long day work! Trust me! Must go and try out their services!