Thursday, April 29, 2010


Things do spread really fast.

Thanks everyone for your well wishes.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I will fight on!

I went for my medical checkup today. They always say "no news is bad news, bad news is good news". But today, I dont know if it's good or bad news. It's been 3 months since I found that lump in my throat. I havent bothered about it until recently the pain got so bad that when I strain it during high notes or speak too loudly, it bleeds.

Had some checks and a scan. Then I stood outside the clinic awaiting for my name to be called. Finally I was called in by the doc and he told me to sit down. He said, "We cannot confirm what we found in your throat. By right a swell would have gone away within a few weeks but this is apparently not a swell. We've took the tests specimens in and will have to call you back another day, probably a week or two, to confirm the results again. I cannot say if it's a tumour yet, but you'll have to inform your parents and be mentally prepared for the results."

The nurse then told me to come back on the 12 May.

I really dont know what to do. For a moment I froze in time. I wish I hadnt known all this. Sigh.

Anyway, would like to say a word of thanks to all who have sent me smses and leave facebook messages on my wall and tagged me on my tagboard. Thanks Joseph, Mandy, Joanne 姐, Cat 姐, Wei, Jasmine Yang, Kadon, YP, Serena, Penny and many others for the words of encouragement! I will stay strong and positive.

Thanks Cat 姐 and Joanne 姐 and Joseph and Boss for paying me a visit today. Joanne 姐 and Cat 姐 bought me tonics to 补补身体.

The Brands got Leehom on it. Lol. He's the ambassador!

Thanks Joseph for pre-ordering Jay Chou's album for me also (i know liao, lol).

Whatever it is, I will jia you and fight on!

Exams is coming in 6 days. I have to study hard also. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Something quite terrible happened to me during lunch today. I was eating and suddenly I felt a pain in my throat and I went to the toilet to vomit then through the process I spat out some blood. I think my throat's bleeding from within.

I couldnt sing now as my vocal chords hurt. I'm having on off fever also. Just feeling so unwell.

Hope I can pull through this period and get in time to prepare for my exams in 7 days.
