Tuesday, April 7, 2009

疗伤歌手 - 阿桑

以"叶子"这首歌走红的台湾"疗伤歌手"阿桑, 因罹患乳癌末期6日早上8点半病逝于台北新店慈济医院,年仅34岁. 当天夜间23点,阿桑的经纪人汪一平现身网络,他在阿桑的帖吧中发表一篇声明安慰歌迷,全文如下:

首先谢谢所有爱阿桑的歌迷, 谢谢你们长久以来对阿桑的关心及支持. 相信大家在网络上都看到了, 我本人亲自证实这是确实的消息, 阿桑于今天早上在台湾病逝.

很多歌迷们都关心她, 前一两年就有人问阿桑什么时候出片, 那个时候我正在筹备当中, 后来就因为阿桑的健康原因暂时停止唱片制作. 阿桑自己写了两首非常好听的歌, 非常感人的歌, 下次用什么形式发表还没决定.

阿桑经常对我说, 她很对不起她的歌迷们, 因为她一直没有新歌给大家听, 所以她说她要努力写好听的歌给喜爱她的人听. 很少人知道阿桑会作曲, 本来我们计划她的专辑都要自己写歌, 没想到成了绝响.

我暂时不知道要说什么, 但是我恳请所有爱她的歌迷朋友们, 因为阿桑是虔诚的佛教徒, 所以希望所有歌迷朋友们, 大家这几天帮她多念几遍 : 阿弥陀佛! 特别是后天礼拜三的时候, 请大家尽量多念, 让阿桑可以走得无牵无挂, 让阿桑往生西方极乐世界.

阿桑所有的相关信息会由台湾的华研唱片公司统一发布.我本人现在还在北京,追悼会日期会由家属定出来. 最后一次恳请大家, 一起帮阿桑念 : 阿弥陀佛! 这会有很大的力量, 对阿桑会有很大的帮助! 拜托大家了! 过两天我会再上来回复大家的关心, 再次谢谢!

阿桑的经纪人 汪一平

其实我很伤心, 因为我入行的第五首学习歌曲是阿桑的"叶子". 记得那时我在学习唱的时候, 觉得很吃力, 但我又被她那把美妙沧桑的声音给吸引了. 学了一段时间后, 我还在其中一场表演唱过这首歌. 她走了..... 只留下动人的歌声和照片给喜欢她的朋友们.

阿桑姐, 希望你能在另一个世界生活的更开心! 你的声音, 你的歌曲, 永远会停留在我的记忆里. 在来临的四月十六日, 我会在我的演出, 为你唱出"叶子", 一首由苏奕铨, 一位爱护你的歌迷, 特别为你而唱的歌. 我不知道如何去和你道别, 因为我真的不想和你道别. 祝你在另一个世界会幸福, 会快乐!

你永远的歌迷 Elson 苏奕铨

Monday, April 6, 2009

Casting and Recording

Saw the 二郎神 and 孝天犬 picture? Lol..... That is me and my SUPER DOG! Guess what breed is that? Thanks Tim Ng for sending me his drawing! Nice nice nice! I like it! Can you print out into two A3 size board and bring it down to Bukit Timah Plaza on 12 April 2009? Then I sign a set for you and I keep one for myself, it will become exclusive only to both of us! Lol..... Then many of my friends will be jealous of me liao. Faint! Just joking anyway. (",)

Oh ya! My fanclub site is almost completed, but Daniel is still brainstorming what else to put inside the website. Carol also currently assisting Daniel in doing up the website. Remember to sign up as a member in the website ok? You can get all the latest information down there as well. The link to my new fanclub site is http://elsonsohfc.webs.com/.

This fanclub site is quite interesting because you can go to Arcade Corners to play games. Go visit it whenever you are free! Sign up as a member also FREE! Lol.

Anyway, have you watch my new video? The new episode of Elson My Lifestyle 生活日记 is now available at my inter-blog link My Video 录影日记 at http://elsonsohvideo.blogspot.com/ or you can check out Youtube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAuUeED8qIw.

Not writing anymore, I m heading for a commercial advertisement casting and recording for one of my new song today. Wish me good luck! (",)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Sniper

According to the news recently, Edison Chen's new movie will debut this month, the Chinese-Canadian star's first since his sex photo scandal last year forced him to take a break.

The action thriller "The Sniper" will have its world premiere at the Hong Kong International Film Festival on March 24, according to the Hong Kong event's program released Thursday.

"The Sniper," in which Edison plays a young police sniper, finished shooting in 2007 and was originally scheduled to be released in March 2008, but was put on hold after Edison's scandal broke. Anyway, hope all of you can give Edison your support! Watch this movie and show him your support! (",)

Next Sunday (12 April 209) also remember to support me at Bukit Timah Plaza from 2pm to 5pm! I will be performing 6 songs at least at Challenge the Celebrities Grand Finals.