Monday, September 29, 2014

Ultimate and most affected victims from the recent saga are the children

Freedom of speech has always been something I strongly support. But today a group of people has abused this privilege given to them to create an unnecessary incident which to them may have not much impact but serious repercussions on the victims themselves. In view of the recent saga at Hong Lim Park, I felt a strong urge to speak out even though my views may not mean anything to anyone out there. Project Awareness has always been a neutral volunteer group that provides assistance and care for the less privileged families, and children, especially disabled children.

Being in contact with a few of them during my family visits, I realized that they are actually as normal as anyone can be. They too have feelings and they too have the same train of thoughts as anyone of us. Perhaps the only difference is their (some of them) inability to accurately express their discontent or disappointment. Some are expressionless but that doesn't mean they don't hurt inside

Roy's supporters accused Minister Teo Ser Luck, saying he is attended the YMCA event to get exposure, but how many people will want to spend their day on work, especially on a weekend? They can very well spend their day with their own family. Anyway selfies do not disrupt the performances, but shouting "Return our CPF" will affect the children performing and they will be frightened by angry protesters, not the minister taking selfies.

But regardless on whatever claim each party can make, I feel that the ultimate and most affected victims are the children, who had spent god knows how many numerous days rehearsing for this show, only for it to be ruined by a group of protestors. As the saying goes, "台上一分钟,台下十年功", a minute on stage is a result of 10 years of practice. If to us it is already 10 years of hard work for 1 minute, I cant imagine how much hard work they had gone through to prepare this performance.

Is this acceptable? It is already an amazing feat for them to put up a performance for everyone but these people only cared for their selfish intentions to speak off their minds over issues which they themselves do not have the solution to too.

I feel really sorry for these children. They are already being under privileged in their lives and now this has to happen. To the protesters it may be just a performance but to them its like climbing Mount Everest with zero mountain climbing experience. All they needed was our recognition and encouragement.

Let's all come together to commend the effort of the children who have put in so much effort to bring happiness into our lives. If you are one of the performers that day, I just want to say GOOD JOB and WELL DONE! Keep up the good work, we will all be supporting you! ;)

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Singapore Kindness Movement - Kindness Day SG 2014

Got the honour to perform at Singapore Kindness Day - Kindness Day SG 2014! It is my second time participating in this event and I hope in future to come, I can always be part of this event. 

Thank you Dr William Wan and SKM for extending this invitation to me. I met many wonderful people and caught up with some long lost friends like Lorraine Tan and my vocal instructor John Lee from Vocaluptous.

Great to took many photo with friends, supporters and artistes who performed at this event. It is my honour to took a photo with MP Mr Baey Yam Keng as well. Look forward to participate in your voluntary project in near future.

Thank you Jia Huai Ren, Joycelyn and Jace for coming down to support me. This is my first time meeting Jace and she is so shy, but I'm to see you more often next time. 以後不要再臉紅了!(",) 

During my performance on stage, I saw Jia Huai Ren holding up my poster and I'm so touched for your action. Thank you Joycelyn as you are always a great supporter in my music and career, and thank you for always sharing my music to your friends as well.


Below are some of the photo to share with everybody. Grab any photo that you want and share the happiness with your friends in your Facebook! 

I think Kindness Day is a meaningful day to be celebrated and remembered, not just spreading the spirit of kindness, but also to remember that kindness still exist!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank my family, friends, fans and sponsors for always been so supportive of me all these while.

Also a big thanks to my volunteers from Project Awareness for lending their support to us all these while.

Not only so, there are people performing acts of kindness everyday without asking for anything in return and are not recognized by the world. Kudos to the unsung heroes too. These little acts of kindness are priceless.

Lets all continue spreading this wonderful spirit around! Happy Kindness Day!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014




這位婆婆大概80幾歲了。她每天就這樣過活 -坐在這擺攤買二手貨,一天賺不到 5塊錢。但她從不會輕易接受別人的施捨。她是個有骨氣的婆婆。我擔心她,是因為她就算需要幫忙,也不會開口告訴別人。我擔心她,是因為就算她開口了,會有幾個人真正幫助她呢?我擔心她,因為她寧可挨餓,也不向人討口飯吃。每次見到她,我都好心酸。真希望我能為她多做點什麼。她常常對我說:你叫人來買我的東西,我已經很感激你了!

如果你們在新加坡 Mohamad Ali Lane 一代走走的話,是否能幫幫我,替我探望她老人家?如果不麻煩的話,買點冷飲給她,陪她聊聊天,逗她開心。所謂助人為快樂之本,我們能爲他人做多少,就做多少。這樣活著才有意義,對嗎?
